The Foreign Service Journal, September 2015
84 SEPTEMBER 2015 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL AFSA NEWS Taking Notes from the Navy LWOP Experience On June 26, U.S. Navy Com- mander Christine Caston, Lieutenant Commander Jeffrey Morin and Lieuten- ant Ashley Morris briefed American Foreign Service Association representatives and State Department human resource officials on the Navy’s pilot “career intermis- sion” program. Then-AFSA State Vice President Matthew Asada organized the discussion as part of the association’s ongoing efforts to help the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review team implement the 2015 QDDR’s recommendations, including the proposed career sabbati- cal. The Navy’s Career Inter- mission Program (CIPP) was launched in 2009, spurred by a changing workforce and a younger generation’s expec- tations of career flexibility; it will continue as a pilot until 2019. Members of the Navy may apply for the program to, for example, start a family, volunteer, pursue higher edu- cation or take care of parents. Participants receive a monthly stipend (one- fifteenth of regular pay, the going rate for drilling reserv- ists), active-duty medical ben- efits for themselves and their dependents, and coverage of relocation costs to anywhere in the United States. Time away is not counted toward retirement, but returning employees receive assign- ments as if they had never left. Approximately 91 people have participated in the program so far. Applicants are assessed on merit, fit- ness, sustained performance, leadership, resourcefulness and future potential. Certain career milestones must be met prior to taking the CIPP option to ensure that par- ticipants will be competitive when they return. The Navy is gathering data to gauge the CIPP’s impact on participants’ careers, though it is still too early to draw sweeping conclusions. However, nearly 100 percent of participants have self- reported that they returned to work reinvigorated and more excited about their careers. The Navy has the most advanced LWOP program of the military service branches; others have only begun trialing programs within the last sev- eral years. According to AFSA’s guests, the CIPP is already positively influencing views of the Navy as a more flexible and viable career option. n —Shannon Mizzi, Editorial Intern U.S. Navy Commander Christine Caston (left) and Lieutenant Commander Jeffrey Morin visit AFSA headquarters on June 26. AFSA/SHANNONMIZZI Summer Fellows Reception Thomas R. Pickering, Charles B. Rangel and Donald M. Payne Fellows interning at the State Department and USAID this summer attended a welcome reception at AFSA headquar- ters on June 9. This is the second year that the Thursday Luncheon Group and the Association of Black AmericanAmbassadors have sponsored the event intended to build a sense of community for graduate and undergradu- 2015 Pickering Fellows. Back row, from left: Sarah Lombardo, Joshua Gregory, Leyth Swidan, Raymond Nelson, Ritchell Madikaegbu, Aquilla Hines, Danielle Veal, Ramata Sow, Bintu Musa and Juan Clar. Front row, from left: Mariya Ilyas, Alejandra Baez, Jason Fauss, Victoria Durgana and Whitney Dixon. COURTESYOFKEMCARTERANDERSON ate fellows soon joining the Foreign Service. The fellowships are State and USAID’s premiere vehicles for boosting diversity within the ranks of the FS. The evening featured an all-star lineup of speakers, including Ambassador Edward Perkins, Amb. Tom Pickering, Representative Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) and Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources Heather Higginbot- tom. n
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