The Foreign Service Journal, September 2016

4 SEPTEMBER 2016 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL September 2016 Volume 93, No. 7 FOREIGN SERVICE Spotlight on AFSA Awards 24 A Foreign Service Trailblazer— Ambassador Ruth A. Davis FSJ Editor Shawn Dorman interviews the recipient of AFSA’s 2016 Lifetime Contributions to American Diplomacy Award. 36 When Prevailing Practice Fails: Constructive Dissent By relying on prevailing practice to set locally employed staff compensation, we are benefiting from the same labor exploitation that we oppose as a matter of U.S. foreign policy. By J e f f e r s o n Sm i t h 40 The FSJ ’s “Top Ten” on Dissent The FSJ keeps a focus on constructive dissent—its history, its value, its practice and its outcome. Features 51 MED’s Child & Family Program, Explained Created in 2013, the Child and Family Program aims to streamline the clearance process for families and ensure consistency in the support for children and families. By Ka t h y Ga l l a rd o 54 Creepy Critters We Have Known Life in the tropics demands that you make peace with a range of “creepy critters” you are bound to encounter. By Ma r ga re t Su l l i v a n Focus on Diplomatic Tradecraft 41 Diplomatic Training: New Trends In foreign ministries around the world training is undergoing intensification and expansion. By K i s h a n Ra n a 44 Five Ways to Tackle a New Language Combining different language-learning methods is the best bet for success. By E l i j a h Da v i d Bu s h a n d To d d Hu g h e s 47 Over the Finish Line: Winning Strategies for a Successful Visit Advance planning and sustained initiative from mid-level officers who own their ideas are the keys to a fruitful high-level visit. By Te d Os i u s 24 54 47