The Foreign Service Journal, September 2016

76 SEPTEMBER 2016 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL AFSA NEWS Hail and Farewell: AFSA President Ambassador Barbara Stephenson welcomed Ambassador (ret.) Earl Anthony Wayne as the new treasurer of the AFSA PAC. She also offered the board’s thanks to outgoing members Peter Neisuler, Eric Geelan and Youqing Ma. Consent Agenda: On a motion from State Representative Erin O’Connor, the board approved the consent agenda items. These included (1) the May 4 Governing Board minutes and (2) the appointment of Suzanne Platt as the new FCS repre- sentative. Robert’s Rules of Order: On a motion from State Represen- tative John Dinkelman, the board confirmed that the AFSA Governing Board will follow Robert’s Rules of Order with respect to the confidentiality of executive sessions. Washington Nationals Foreign Service Day: On a motion from State Representative Josh Glazeroff, the board unani- mously approved a plan to work with theWashington Nation- als Major League Baseball team to honor the Foreign Service during a Nationals game. Governance Committee: Retiree Representative Ambassa- dor (ret.) Al La Porta prepared a memo regarding information handling and requested that it be submitted to the Gover- nance Committee for consideration. On a motion fromUSAID Representative Jeffrey Cochrane, the board approved the request. iLead: State Representative Jason Donovan briefed the board on the iLead initiative, which looks at the dissemination of leadership and management tenets throughout the State Department. iLead would like to collaborate with the AFSA Governing Board and AFSA staff to identify how to address challenges and implement best practices. PEC Draft Code of Conduct: The Committee on the Foreign Service Profession and Ethics representative Eva Groening briefed the board on the committee’s work on a draft Code of Conduct. Following discussion of the committee’s presenta- tion, a motion was put forward by State Vice President Angie Bryan to look at other ways to get messaging on conduct and ethics out, citing examples such as social media, cables and the FSJ . The motion was approved. n AFSAGoverning Board Meeting, July 6, 2016 AFSAGoverning Board Meeting, June 1, 2016 Hail and Farewell: AFSA President Ambassador Barbara Stephenson welcomed new State Representative Kara McDonald and new FCS Representative Suzanne Platt. She also thanked outgoing State Representative Leah Pease for her work on the AFSA Governing Board. Consent Agenda: On a motion from State Representa- tive Leah Pease, the board approved the June 1 Governing Board meeting minutes. On a motion from USAID Vice President Sharon Wayne, the board unanimously approved the appointment of Eleanor Tan Piengco to the USAID Standing Committee. FSJ Editorial Board: The Governing Board reviewed a memo from Chair of the FSJ Editorial Board Beth Payne requesting that they rescind two decisions made by the 2011-2013 Governing Board mandating specific coverage in the Foreign Service Journal . On a motion from State Repre- sentative John Dinkelman, the Governing Board rescinded these decisions and reaffirmed the editorial indepen- dence of the Editorial Board to select focus topics and articles for the Journal (excluding the President’s column and AFSA News) as provided for in the AFSA bylaws. The motion passed. AFSA Position on USAID Hiring: On a motion from USAID Representative Jeffrey Cochrane, a draft policy on agency hiring was referred to the USAID Standing Com- mittee for review and development. The motion passed unanimously. FSJ Editorial Board Appointment: On a motion from State Vice President Angie Bryan, Lawrence Casselle was unanimously approved to replace Tricia Wingerter as the Governing Board liaison to the Editorial Board. Committee on Elections Vacancies: On a motion from USAID Vice President Sharon Wayne, the board approved the appointment of William Hansen to the AFSA Commit- tee on Elections.