The Foreign Service Journal, September 2017

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | SEPTEMBER 2017 71 AFSA NEWS Working with USAID’s Human Capital and Talent Manage- ment Office, she helped start the Overseas Human Capital Initiative, strengthening coordination and support for USAID’s overseas personnel, and worked to revise USAID’s telework procedures worldwide. Ms. Posner served in the Africa Administrative Manage- ment Services, dealing with various challenges in the region, including the post-Ebola problems confronting West Africa. She supported overseas posts’ evacuation planning and trained country desk officers. Most recently she served in USAID’s Overseas Management Division. Overseas, Ms. Posner has served as supervisory execu- tive officer at USAIDWest Bank and Gaza, and in Bosnia and Albania. She was deputy EXO at USAID Russia. Prior to joining the Foreign Service, Ms. Posner worked on a personal services contract as deputy EXO and EXO for USAID Czech Republic. K IMBERLY SAWATZK I FAS VICE PRESIDENT Kimberly Svec Sawatzki, a member of USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service for more than 20 years, recently completed a tour as the agricultural counselor in Ankara. She previously served as senior agricultural attaché in Moscow and as the agricultural attaché in Brasilia, as well as on a detail to the U.S. Southern Command. In Washington D.C., as area director for Africa and the Middle East in FAS’ Office of Foreign Service Operations, and in the Office of Negotiations and Agreements, the Grain and Feed Division, and the Dairy, Livestock and Poultry Division. She has a master’s in agricultural economics and interna- tional trade from the University of Illinois, and B.A.s in econom- ics, international affairs, and German from the University of Maine. She is married and has one child. Ms. Sawatzki is “eager to serve as the AFSA vice president for FAS in order to advocate on behalf of FAS Foreign Service officers and build a strong, sustainable and compassionate Foreign Service.” JOHN NALAND RETIREE VICE PRESIDENT John Naland’s 29-year Foreign Service career included service in Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico and Iraq (as leader of the Provincial Reconstruction Team in Basra). Assignments in Washing- ton, D.C., included the Secretary’s policy planning staff, the White House situation room and the Bureau of Human Resources (as director of the Office of Retirement). He retired from the Foreign Service in 2015. Mr. Naland is currently president of the Foreign Service Youth Foundation and coordinator of Foreign Affairs Retirees of Northern Virginia. He is co-author with Harry Kopp of the third edition of Career Diplomacy: Life and Work in the U.S. Foreign Service (Georgetown University Press, 2017). A former U.S. Army cavalry officer who served in West Germany during the Cold War, he is a graduate of the Army War College. Born in Kansas, he grew up in New Orleans and graduated from Tulane University. He is married and has two college-age daughters. Mr. Naland was AFSA State VP from 1999 to 2001 and AFSA president from 2001 to 2003 and 2007 to 2009. ANNE COLEMAN - HONN STATE REPRESENTATIVE Anne Coleman-Honn is an FS-2 economic- coned officer who has served in four bureaus and across cones. She served most recently as the political unit chief at U.S. Embassy Stockholm. As a founding member of the Balancing Act employee organization, she has helped to bring best prac- tices from other parts of the federal government—such as the voluntary leave bank and an emergency backup care program for dependents—to the State Department. As a member of the AFSA Governing Board, she looks forward to continuing to help employees meet their work and family obligations. Part of a tandem couple, she and her hus- band, Aaron Honn, have three children. TR I C I A WI NGERTER STATE REPRESENTATIVE Tricia Wingerter is the coordinator for the Ambassadorial Seminar. She is a Foreign Service office management specialist and has served at the Department of State for more than 20 years. She has been posted overseas in Belgrade, Moscow (twice), Tel Aviv, Managua, Zagreb, Brussels, Beijing and London before taking up her current assignment at FSI’s Leadership and Management School, Executive Development Division. This is Ms. Wingerter’s second term serving on the AFSA Governing Board. She looks forward to serving the entire membership and especially on specialist issues. She is mar- ried and has two grown daughters.