The Foreign Service Journal, September 2021

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | SEPTEMBER 2021 67 AFSA NEWS Mei Victoria Gill – daughter of Barry (USAID) and Misa Gill, graduated from the Harare International School, Harare, Zimbabwe. Plans to attend Texas Tech University to study environmental engineering. Genene Savall Wedd – son of Jonathan Wedd (State) and Alicia Savall, graduated from the International Community School, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Plans to attend the University of Wisconsin–Madison to study investment banking. Best Essay Scholarship Grace A. Villeda – daughter of Frank (State) and Karen Villeda, graduated from the International School of Helsinki, Finland. Plans to attend the University of San Diego to study international relations. n Quinton Stevens Riley Stevens Zamir Ticknor Phillip Jackson VanHorn Ellise Waller Dean Waters Sophia Urbom Kai Friedenberg Juliet Bel Benjamin Cudmore Anna Wells Mei Victoria Gill Genene Savall Wedd Grace A. Villeda