The Foreign Service Journal, October 2004
7. CORPORATE REIMPORTATION TAX. Corporate Tax Overhaul/Corporate Reimportation Tax (S. 1637) — Motion to table (kill) amendment that would partially repeal a tax deferral regulation for U.S. multinational companies by requiring those com- panies to pay federal income taxes on foreign factories when goods are reimported back into the U.S. Employers would also be required to notify employ- ees and the Labor Deptartment when jobs will be moved offshore, including the number of jobs affect- ed, the relocation destination of those jobs and the reason for the relocation. VOTE: 60-39, 5/5/04 (R: 51-0; D: 8-39; I: 1-0). 8. U.S. FOREIGN SUBSIDIARIES. FY05 Defense Authorization/U.S. foreign subsidiaries (S. 2400) — Amendment to require that any restric- tions on transactions of U.S. companies that do busi- ness with countries determined to be state sponsors of terrorism also apply to their foreign subsidiaries where there is at least 50-percent ownership by the U.S. company. VOTE: 49-50, 5/19/04 (R: 3-28; D: 45-2; I: 1-0). HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1. CONSULAR ID CARDS. Consular ID Cards/State Authorization (H.R. 1950) — Bill to give Sec/State authority to regulate the issuance of and track consular identification cards by foreign mis- sions in the U.S. VOTE: 226-198, 7/15/03 (R: 203-21; D: 23-176; I: 0-1). 2. UNESCO FUNDS. FY04 Commerce, Justice, and State Appropriations/ UNESCO Funds (H.R. 2799) — Amendment to drop $71 million from bill to fund U.S. re-entry into UNESCO. VOTE: 145-279, 7/22/03 (R: 141-84; D: 4-194; I: 0-1). 3. CHILE FREE TRADE. (H.R. 2738) — Bill to approve the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement. VOTE: 270-156, 7/23/03 (R: 195-27; D: 75-128; I: 0-1). 4. HIV/AIDS. FY04 Foreign Operations Appropriations, HIV/AIDS and Millennium Challenge Account (H.R. 2800) — Increase funding for HIV/AIDS by $300 million and off- set the cost with a reduction in Millennium Challenge Account funding. VOTE: 195-226, 7/23/03 (R: 12-209; D: 182-17; I: 1-0). 5. SAUDI ARABIA. FY 04 Foreign Operations Appropriations (H.R. 2800) — Includes no direct funds for Saudi Arabia along with Cuba, Libya, North Korea, Iran, and Syria. VOTE: 191- 231, 7/23/03 (R: 80-143; D: 110-88; I: 1-0). 6. WAR IN IRAQ. War in Iraq (H.R. 561) — Previous Question on the Rule of Debate, to consider the resolution affirming the U.S. and the world are safer with the removal of Saddam Hussein and his regime from power in Iraq. It also com- mends U.S. and coalition forces for liberating Iraq. VOTE: 217-197, 3/17/04 (R: 217-0; D: 0-196; I: 0-1). (Subsequent to the vote on the Previous Question on the rule, the principal resolution, H.R. 557, was adopted by the House by a vote of 327-93.) 7. PAY PARITY. Federal Employee Pay Parity (H.R. 581) — Federal civilian employees and military personnel should receive the same percentage pay increase for FY05. VOTE: 299-126, 4/1/04 (R: 95-126; D: 203-0; I: 1-0). 8. LIBYAN DISARMAMENT. Libyan Disarmament (H.R. 4548) — Libyan disarma- ment would not have been possible without U.S. resolve in the war on terror. VOTE: 335-83, 6/23/04 (R: 222-1; D: 113-81; I: 0-1). 9. TREATMENT OF PRISONERS. FY05 Intelligence Authorization/Treatment of Prisoners (H.R. 4548) —Withhold 25 percent of funds available to intelligence agencies, until appropriate congressional committees receive all documents related to detainee treatment in Iraq. VOTE: 149-270, 6/23/04 (R: 3-220; D: 145-50; I: 1-0). S C O R E C A R D O C T O B E R 2 0 0 4 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 45
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