The Foreign Service Journal, October 2004

4 AFSA NEWS • OCTOBER 2004 StateRepresentatives (eight positions) USAIDRepresentative (one position) FCS Representative (one position) FAS Representative (one position) IBBRepresentative (one position) RetiredMemberRepresentatives (four positions) Article V (4)(b) of the AFSA bylaws authorizes a constituency vicepresident for each constituencywith aminimumof 100 members and one constituency represen- tative position for every 1,000members or fraction thereof. B. Nomination Procedures 1. Any AFSA member in good stand- ing (i.e., a member whose dues are auto- matically deducted or who has paid dues as of Nov. 16, 2004) may submit names (including his or her own name) in nom- ination for any or all of the above-men- tioned positions for which the nominee is eligible. No member may nominate more thanoneperson for eachofficer posi- tionormore than thenumber of represen- tatives established for eachconstituency. No member’s namemay appear on the ballot for more than one position. 2. In order to be nominated, a person must be a member in good standing and remain ingood standing through the elec- tionprocess and, if elected, for his/her term of office. 3. The Foreign Service Act restricts employees occupying certain positions in the foreignaffairs agencies fromservingon the governing board. Only employees in AFSA’s bargaining unit may serve on the AFSAGoverning Board or nominate oth- ers to serve on the board. Therefore, indi- vidualswhowill be servingasmanagement officials and confidential employees (as defined below) when the new board takes officeonJuly15, 2005, are ineligible tooccu- py a position on the Governing Board. In addition, management officials and confi- dential employeesmaynotmakenomina- tions for Governing Board positions. For the purpose of the above discussion,man- agement officialmeans an individual who: isachiefofmissionorprincipalofficer;occu- pies a position of comparable importance to chief of mission or principal officer; is servingas adeputy tothe forgoingpositions; is assigned to the Office of the Inspector General; or is engagedinlabormanagement relations or the formulation of personnel policies andprograms of the foreignaffairs agency. Confidential employees are employeeswhoact ina confidential capac- ity with respect to an individual who for- mulates or carries out management poli- cies in labor management relations. Furthermore, the Foreign Service Act also places a two-year restriction on the movement of Foreign Service personnel betweencertainpositions inAFSAandcer- tainWashington-based jobs in the foreign affairs agencies. Pre-AFSArestrictions: Any individual whohas served1) in amanage- ment position inWashington inwhichhe or she has engaged in labor management relations or the formulation of personnel policies andprograms or 2) as a confiden- tial employee (as definedabove)within two years prior to taking office inAFSA is inel- igible to hold the position of AFSA presi- dent or constituency vice president. Post- AFSArestrictions: Inaddition, any individ- ual whohas heldoneof the foregoingposi- tions in AFSAmay not serve 1) in aman- agement position in Washington which involves labormanagement relations or the formulationof personnel policies andpro- grams or 2) as a confidential employee, for two years after leaving AFSA. Members shouldconsider these restric- tions before deciding whether to run for AFSAGoverningBoardpositions covered by these restrictions. Pleasedirect questions regarding this issue to Sharon Papp, General Counsel, by phone: (202) 647- 8160, fax: (202) 647-0265, or e-mail: 4.Nominationsmaybe submitted indi- vidually or in slates. To qualify as a slate, a proposed slatemust have aminimumof four candidates from at least two con- stituencies. Slatedesignationswill benoted on the ballot. 5. All nominations must be submitted inwritingby letter, cable, faxor e-mail. All writtennominationsmust be addressed to the AFSA Elections Committee, 2101 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20037. To be valid, theymust, without exception, be receivedat this address no later than5p.m. onNov. 16, 2004. Members overseas can send “AFSA channel” cables marked for delivery to theAFSAElectionsCommittee. They must be received in the State Department’s Communications Center within the same time limit. Faxes can be sent to (202) 338-6820 and e-mails to Alternatively, nominations can be hand-delivered to a committee member whowill be in the AFSAoffice in the State Department, Room1251, from11 a.m. to 12noononNov. 16, or toa committee rep- resentative at AFSA headquarters at 2101 E Street during that same time period. 6. A nominee can indicate his or her acceptance of a nominationby appending a letter to the letter of nomination or by appropriate notation on that letter, or by communicating in writing with the Elections Committee, AFSA, Room1251, Department of State, orAFSA, 2101EStreet NW,Washington, DC20037, or by send- ing a fax or e-mail as listed above. Otherwise, anauthorized representative of the Elections Committee will communi- catewith each nominee (excludingmem- bers who nominate themselves) as quick- ly as possible after the receipt of eachnom- ination todeterminewhether thenominee wishes tobeacandidate. Anymemberwho so accepts the nomination must confirm hisorher acceptance inwriting throughone of the channels describedabove, addressed to the AFSA Elections Committee, to be receivedno later than12noononNov. 30, 2005. Any nomineewhosewritten accep- tance of nominationhas not been received by the Elections Committee by the above time limit will be considered to have declined candidacy. C. Election Campaign 1. All candidates nominated under the procedure outlined abovewill be given the opportunity to submit campaign state- ments fordisseminationto theAFSAmem- bership with the election ballots. Further informationregarding such statements and editorial deadlineswill be contained in the “Instructions toCandidates,”whichwill be issued by the Elections Committee on or before Nov. 16, 2004. Nominations • Continued from page 1