The Foreign Service Journal, October 2006

forces from Iraq in 2006, and to require that the president submit a plan by the end of 2006 estimating a timetable for full withdrawal. VOTE: 39-60, 06/22/06 (R: 1-54; D: 37-6; I: 1-0). HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1. SAUDI ARABIA FY05 Supplemental Appropriation/Saudi Arabia (H.R. 1268): Amendment to prohibit money from the FY05 supplemental from being used for assistance to Saudi Arabia. VOTE: 196-231, 03/15/05 (R: 39-187; D: 156-44; I: 1-0). 2. U.N. POPULATION FUND FY06 Commerce, Justice and State Appropriations/U.N. Population Fund (H.R. 2862): Amendment to overturn any provisions of law that prohibit funding for the U.N. Population Fund, despite any involvement it may have in China and/or regarding abortions. VOTE: 192-233, 06/16/05 (R: 19-209; D: 172-24; I: 1-0). 3. U.N. REFORM Henry J. Hyde U.N. Reform Act (H.R. 2745): Act which, among other things, preserves a cap of 22 percent of bud- get for U.S. contributions to the U.N.; declares U.S. sup- port for weighted voting for all budgetary questions and against the addition of vetoes to the Security Council; and outlines several dozen other reforms which, if not met, will trigger a 50-percent withholding of U.S. dues. VOTE: 221-184, 06/17/05 (R: 213-7; D: 8-176; I: 0-1). 4. DARFUR FY06 Supplemental Appropriation/Darfur (H.R. 4939): Amendment to increase by $50 million the appropriation for the African Union peacekeeping force in Darfur. (Opponents thought increasing funding for the A.U. force would contradict U.S. support for a U.N. force.) VOTE: 213-208, 03/16/06 (R: 25-210; D: 187-7; I: 1-0). 5. SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION FY06 Supplemental Appropriation (H.R. 4939): Emer- gency supplemental appropriation for FY06 (including funding for the War on Terror and Hurricane Katrina recovery), with roughly $4 billion earmarked for the State Department and related agencies, above the request. VOTE: 348-71, 03/16/06 (R: 204-19; D: 143- 52; I: 1-0). 6. EGYPT FY07 Foreign Operations Appropriations/Egypt (H.R. 5522): Amendment to add $50 million for refugees in Darfur and $50 million for HIV/AIDS assistance, taken specifically from the account for assistance to Egypt. VOTE: 198-225, 06/08/06 (R: 45-179; D: 152-46; I: 1-0). 7. SPENDING CUT FY07 Foreign Operations Appropriations/Spending Cut (H.R. 5522): Amendment to cut 1 percent from all dis- cretionary appropriations in the bill. VOTE: 107-300, 06/09/06 (R: 99-116; D: 8-183; I: 0-1). 8. ASSISTANCE PRIORITIES FY07 Foreign Operations Appropriations/Assistance Priorities (H.R. 5522): Amendment to shift $250 million from the Foreign Military Financing Program to the Development Assistance Account, for clean drinking water and anti-poverty programs. VOTE: 184-224, 06/09/06 (R: 23-191; D: 158-33; I: 1-0). 9. IRAQ Iraq Resolution (H. Res. 861): Debated without possibili- ty of amendment, the resolution states: “The House of Representatives ... declares that it is not in the national security interest of the United States to set an arbitrary date for the withdrawal or redeployment of United States Armed Forces from Iraq.” VOTE: 256-153, 06/16/06 (R: 214-3, D: 42-149; I: 0-1). 10. DOMESTIC vs. INTERNATIONAL PRIORITIES FY07 Commerce, Justice and State Appropriations/ Priorities (H.R. 5672): Amendment to transfer $500,000 from the International Organizations Contributions Account (targeting in intent the U.N. Human Rights Council) to the federal prison system. VOTE: 163-257, 06/27/06 (R: 124-99; D: 39-157; I: 0-1). S C O R E C A R D O C T O B E R 2 0 0 6 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 55