The Foreign Service Journal, October 2007
62 F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L / OC T OB E R 2 0 0 7 A F S A N E W S AFSA NEWS BRIEFS Staff: Executive Director John Mamone: Business Department Controller Twee Nguyen: Accounting Assistant Jon Reed: Labor Management General Counsel Sharon Papp: Labor Management Attorney Zlatana Badrich: Labor Management Specialist James Yorke: Grievance Attorneys Neera Parikh: and Holly Rich: Office Manager Christine Warren: USAID Senior Labor Management Adviser Douglas Broome: USAID Office Manager Asgeir Sigfusson: Member Services Director Janet Hedrick: Representative Cory Nishi: Web-site & Database Associate: vacant Administrative Assistant Ana Lopez: Outreach Programs Retiree Liaison Bonnie Brown: Director of Communications Thomas Switzer: Congressional Affairs Director Ian Houston: Executive Assistant to the President Austin Tracy: Scholarship Director Lori Dec: Professional Issues Coordinator Barbara Berger: Elderhostel Coordinator Janice Bay: AFSA HEADQUARTERS: (202) 338-4045; Fax: (202) 338-6820 STATE DEPARTMENT AFSA OFFICE: (202) 647-8160; Fax: (202) 647-0265 USAID AFSA OFFICE: (202) 712-1941; Fax: (202) 216-3710 FCS AFSA OFFICE: (202) 482-9088; Fax: (202) 482-9087 AFSA WEB SITE: FSJ: PRESIDENT: STATE VP: RETIREE VP: USAID VP: FCS VP: AFSA News Editor Shawn Dorman : (202) 338-4045 x 503; Fax: (202) 338-8244 On the Web : How to Contact Us: Governing Board: PRESIDENT: John Naland STATE VP: Steve Kashkett USAID VP: Francisco Zamora FAS VP: Vacant FCS VP: Donald Businger RETIREE VP: Robert W. Farrand SECRETARY: F.A. “Tex” Harris TREASURER: Andrew Winter STATE REPS: Oscar DeSoto, David Firestein, Michael Guest, Jim McRea, Nick Pietrowicz, Margaret Riccardelli, Sandy Robinson, Daphne Titus, Andrea Tomaszewicz USAID REP: Michael Henning FCS REP: Stephen Anderson FAS REP: Vacant IBB REP: Al Pessin RETIREE REPS: Harry Geisel, David Passage, Herman Cohen, Howard Jeter AFSA Launches FS Women’s Web Discussion Forum AFSA is now hosting an online forum exclusively for Foreign Service women. It is a place to chat, share stories, reach out and air concerns. The forum provides an opportu- nity to connect anytime, anywhere. Join discussion leader FSODella Cavey to discuss the unique challenges and opportunities facing the women of the Foreign Service today. Go to cfm/ to get in on the conversation. Tell your friends. East Africa Bombings Anniversary On the ninth anniversary of the Aug. 7, 1998, terrorist bomb- ings of U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, the State Department held an emotionally moving ceremony at the Arlington Cemetery memorial to the victims of those bombings. The event was attended by survivors, senior State Department and USAID officials, African Affairs and Diplomatic Security Bureau veterans, representatives of the Kenyan and Tanzanian embassies and others. AFSA President John Naland attended and laid flowers beside the memorial stone. BOOKFAIR Opens Oct. 12 The 47th annual BOOKFAIR of the Associates of the American Foreign Service Worldwide opens Friday, Oct. 12, at 2 p.m. for employees, spouses and escorted guests. BOOK- FAIR takes place in the exhibit hall of the Truman Building, and continues Oct. 15-19, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for this same group. During two weekends, Oct. 13-14 and Oct. 20-21, the sale is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For questions, go to, e-mail, or call (202) 223-5796. Support AFSA with Your CFC Gift: #11759 and #10646 Please consider supporting AFSA with your 2007 Combined Federal Campaign donation. The AFSA Scholarship Fund has a new number for 2007: CFC-11759, as does the Fund for American Diplomacy: CFC-10646. Your contributions help fund college scholarships for FS children and provide public education programs on the importance of a strong Foreign Service. Journal Board: Comings and Goings AFSA would like to thank the following outgoing Foreign Service Journal Editorial Board members for their dedicated service: Kent Brokenshire, Tony Chan, William Jordan, Kay Webb Mayfield, John Naland, Joyce Namde and Christopher Teal. There were 36 applications for the six new vacancies on the Editorial Board. The AFSA Governing Board has appointed the following individuals to two-year terms: Joe Bruns, Julie Connor, JimDeHart, Jeff Giauque, George Jones and Yvette Malcioln. In addition, the Governing Board reappointed current Editorial Board Chairman TedWilkinson and returning members Stephen Buck, Josh Glazeroff and Laurie Kassman to new two-year terms. Thanks to all of these members who volunteer their time to make AFSA’s Foreign Service Journal the magazine for foreign affairs profes- sionals.
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