The Foreign Service Journal, October 2011

O C T O B E R 2 0 1 1 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 43 What Are Friends For? Caroline Taylor, Five Star, 2011, $25.95, paperback, 282 pages. The latest of Catherine Taylor’s novels to feature the young, spirit- ed heroine P. J. Smythe, What Are Friends For? finds the newly single Annapolitan posing in her first starring role as a private investigator in a docu- mentary for a wealthy friend. The act turns into reality fol- lowing the mysterious death of her first “client,” an environmentalist, of a drug overdose. P.J. has to become a genuine sleuth if she is to escape a murder charge and nav- igate the tricky waters of Washington politics and the illegal wildlife trade. Written with classic, hard-boiled “whodunit” panache, this novel will delight mystery lovers looking for an out- standing story line, masterful character development, com- pelling drama and intelligent humor. Catherine Taylor is an award-winning writer and editor living inNorth Carolina. Her short stories have appeared in many publications, and she has also written extensively for Humanities Magazine and the Smithsonian’s Torch . She was a member of the Foreign Service from 1969 to 1972, serving in Tel Aviv and Quito. Humble Beginnings: An Expression of My Journey Through Paintings and Poems Timothy L. Giles, CreateSpace, 2011, $15, paperback, 70 pages. In this book, Timothy Giles recounts his life experi- ences through his own art and poetry. The paintings are passionate and colorful, boldly drawn and sometimes angu- lar but with depth and subtle shading. The poetry and com- C OVER S TORY OrderingBooks Through Here’s how it works: 1. Go to the AFSA Web site, 2. Click on Publications & Resources tab 3. Select Marketplace 4. Click on desired subject listings — books by FS authors are noted 5. Shop away! Not only is this a thrifty, efficient way to do your holiday shopping, but AFSA receives a 5-percent commission from Amazon on every item (books, CDs, toys, etc.) ordered in this manner. Books selected from the AFSA Web site bookstore generate an even higher commission payment. And ordering through AFSA doesn’t cost you a cent. So bookmark the AFSA site, use the link and help your association — and yourself!