The Foreign Service Journal, October 2011

O C T O B E R 2 0 1 1 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 45 Author Linda Socha Jaworksi has accompanied her hus- band, Richard Jaworski, to Foreign Service postings around the world for 28 years. She began writing children’s books six years ago. An elementary school teacher for many years, she has gained insight into children’s thinking and needs that she believes her stories address. She engages local artists to do the illustrations. Jessie and the Tooth Fairy features lively and colorful illustrations by Jacek Caputa. Seven Monsters in My Bedroom R.W. Morris, UniBook, 2011, $19.66, paperback, 354 pages. Are you looking for an exciting book full of adventure, fantasy and humor? Seven Monsters in My Bed- room provides all that! Anne Loraine is a 9-year-old who has never known fear. After the death of her great-grandmother, her family moves into the old house and Anne discovers seven monsters living in the upstairs bedroom that Great-Granny has left es- pecially for her. Even so, she can’t find a reason to scream. She laughs, and a friendship develops that leads to hilarious adventures, including a meeting with the most terrifying monster of all, the Head Boogeyman. Author R.W. Morris has crafted a tale full of imagination and personal experience. She creates memorable characters through crisp description, lively dialogue and an action- packed narrative. Her story explores the true meaning of bravery, teaching everyone that you can’t be brave without being afraid. R.W. Morris was born in Grand Haven, Mich., and has al- ways dreamed of becoming a writer. She began writing Seven Monsters in My Bedroom at the age of 14, following the death of her beloved great-grandmother. For her 10th-grade proj- ect, she decided to self-publish the book. R.W. Morris is the daughter of FSODavid T. Morris, currently counselor for po- litical affairs in Bucharest. C OVER S TORY