The Foreign Service Journal, October 2014

AFSA NEWS CALENDAR THE OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION Celebrating the Life of Career Ambassador Terence A. Todman Continued on page 54 THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | OCTOBER 2014 49 On Aug. 28, the American Foreign Service Association and seven other organizations co-hosted a memorial service to honor the life of Career Ambassador Terence A. Tod- man, who died on Aug. 13 in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. During a career that spanned nearly 50 years, Amb. Todman served as ambassador to Chad, Guinea, Costa Rica, Spain, Denmark and Argentina. He also served as assistant secretary of State for Inter-American a‹airs, nowWestern Hemi- sphere a‹airs. The service was led by Ambassador Ruth A. Davis, vice president of the Associa- tion of Black Ambassadors and a former director general of the Foreign Service. Friends and colleagues shared their recollections as they paid trib- ute to Amb. Todman. Many of the speakers highlighted the ambassador’s perseverance and integrity at a time when few African- Americans served in the State Department. When Terence Todman entered the Foreign Service in 1954, the United States was still 12 years away from o•cially ending segregation, Ambassador Thomas Shan- non noted. AFSA/BRITTANYDELONG “He broke the assignments color barriers,” said Amb. Davis. Assistant Secretary for African A‹airs Linda Thomas- Greenfield reiterated, “We are all the beneficiaries of his trailblazing.” Under Secretary for Man- agement Patrick Kennedy described some of Amb. Tod- man’s specific achievements, as well as his extraordinary abilities in foreign languages. “His was a career of global reach, one of direct engage- ment and power,” said Amb. Shannon. Ambassador Edward Per- kins, president of the Asso- From left: Terence Todman Jr., James Dandridge, chairman of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training, and Ruth A. Davis, vice president of the Association of Black Ambassadors and a former director general of the Foreign Service. October 1 12-1:30 p.m. Luncheon: The 179th A-100 Class October 1 2:30-4 p.m. AFSA Governing Board Meeting October 2 12-1 p.m. AFSA Foreign Aƒairs Intern Brown Bag Series: “Social Media and Diplomacy” October 5-10 AFSA Road Scholar Program in Chautauqua, N.Y. October 9 2-3:30 p.m. “Why Professional Ethics Matter” October 13 Columbus Day: AFSA O“ces Closed October 27 2-3:30 p.m. AFSA Book Notes: More Than Just Diplomacy November 1 AFSA National High School Essay Contest Launches November 5 12-2 p.m. AFSA Governing Board Meeting November 6 Applications for AFSA Merit Awards and Financial Aid Scholarships Available