The Foreign Service Journal, October 2018

40 OCTOBER 2018 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL 7. Personal cards are not 19th-century relics. Remember those sprawling Victorian novels in which characters would leave their calling cards on the fireplace mantle? That’s what I thought of when the JSP introduced the idea of personal cards. But I buckled, got them, and have used them often as I’m navigating in new environments and making new connections. 8. Get sound, individualized professional finan- cial advice and focus on tax implications early. Okay, I admit I didn’t do this; but you should. The decisions you make even 15 years before you retire can reverberate for good or ill when you are nearing retirement. Focus particularly on the tax and estate planning implications of each available option. 9. Don’t worry if it takes time to absorb all of the information on finances, Medicare and other health care options, elder care, etc. I had to hear about the difference between a guaranteed annuity from TSP and other alternatives for withdrawing funds many times before the infor- mation stuck. I find many topics are like that. Start earlier than you think and revisit every few years as your circumstances and the general investment landscape may change. And visit AFSA’s website ( ) as often as you like to view videos on a variety of retirement topics. 10. Sign up for the JSP. If you’ve read this far, you know I’m a fan of the Foreign Service Institute’s Job Search Program, which helped me on both a practical and psychological level as I faced retirement. The line-up of speakers includes foreign affairs agency retirees, professional recruiters and experts in relevant professional areas, covering the bases from health insurance to annuities, from tax implications of Roth IRAs to tax-favorable states. Participants also break up into small groups to discuss their ideas about the future—not just about work, but holistically—and test those ideas in a supportive atmosphere. This exercise both sharpened my thinking and opened me up to possibilities I hadn’t previously considered. Most importantly, the JSP helped me to realize that retirement is simply part of a continuum in one’s life, not a euphemism for an ending. It’s a label for what may come after full-time work, and doesn’t necessarily mean a golf cart on a golf course. My col- leagues and I all came up with unique plans for the next few years thanks to our JSP experience, but all of our plans had one thing in common: they drew on our experience and what was clos- est to our hearts. And that good old Foreign Service adaptability doesn’t hurt, either. n who conducted her Skype job interview in her daughter’s room, where the family’s laptop resides. The problemwas that behind this professional-looking applicant hung a Technicolor poster of ponies, not exactly the image one wants to project. Oh, and don’t forget to wear your pants or skirt—you never know if you may have to get up. 4. There is a wide variety of appealing full- and part-time work out there. And, I’d venture to say, something for everyone who wants it. Again, I had the benefit of the JSP and its excellent line-up of speakers, which introduced participants to an appealing smorgasbord of possibilities. We were introduced to options ranging from professional mediator, to highly skilled Peace Corps Volunteer for short stints, to English as a Second Language teacher, to consultant, to writer, etc. There is a whole universe out there beyond the WAE/RAE route, if you’re looking for something different or moving outside the D.C. area. 5. It’s harder than you think to put together a great resumé. Resumés now generally include a concise upfront statement about who you are, what you want to do and what you have to offer—a thought-provoking exercise in itself. One trend that was difficult for my colleagues in our JSP resumé work- ing group was the notion that we needed to throw in adjectives to describe our stellar qualities in this statement, something that is difficult for anyone who is uncomfortable with braggadocio. In addition, you really need honest and careful people to critique your resumé, which takes time. Six of us went over each other’s draft resumes with fine-toothed combs not once, but twice. This was an exhaustive process, something that I don’t recommend you ask your best friend(s) to do. Or, if you do, take them out for a big dinner at the end of it all. 6. Consider taking out long-term care insurance earlier rather than later. No one likes to think about this when they’re young, but anyone who has navigated a loved one through the health care systemwhen long-term assistance is needed will recognize the wisdom of considering this insurance. In addition, the decision you make on this subject could have a huge impact on whether your estate remains fully intact for your heirs. Experts will tell you to read the fine print so that you know precisely what is covered and what isn’t—it isn’t a step to take lightly. There are alternatives in the form of buying into senior communities in which you can be assisted part- or full-time as you age, but that can be a costly proposition. The point is that if you know you wish to opt for long-term care insurance, it is much less expensive the earlier you sign up. You’ll find a recent video on the topic of long-term care insur- ance at