The Foreign Service Journal, October 2020

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | OCTOBER 2020 49 LGBT+ issues and continues in this role now as ambassador to Moscow. He spoke at various Pride Month events and shared his experience working with the LGBT+ community during a “Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter to Me” State Department event this year. Reach glifaa at . Steven Alan Honley, a State Department FSO from 1985 to 1997, and editor in chief of The Foreign Service Journal from 2001 to 2014, is a regular contributor to the Journal . He is a founding member of glifaa and the group’s third president (1994-1995). Protecting LGBT+ Foreign Affairs Employees from Discrimination ■ Engage the State Department and glifaa members regarding potential changes in Title VII employment discrimination protec- tions based on sexual orientation and gender identity; ■ Participate actively in the department’s diversity and inclusivity initiatives; ■ Urge the Human Resources Bureau [now GTM] to strengthen protections in processes vulnerable to discrimination against LGBT+ employees; and ■ Work with the department to ensure nondiscrimination announcements, and that all diplomatic cables and literature include the LGBT+ community. Promoting Accreditation of Same-Sex Spouses ■ Actively advocate with the Office of Career Development and Assignments and regional bureaus to increase the number of posts that fully accredit same-sex couples and LGBT+ families; and ■ Advocate for a nonvoluntary Separate Maintenance Allowance for families and spouses that cannot join the officer due to an accreditation issue. Advocating for Transgender Employees & Eligible Family Members ■ Advocate for the department to establish written guidance for transgender employees in the workplace similar to those in effect in the private sector and some other federal agencies; ■ Engage with the Office of Medical Services to request that all departmental medical personnel consistently follow current patient sensitivity and clinical treatment protocols for transgender, gender-diverse and intersex patients; ■ Increase engagement of transgender, gender-diverse and intersex employees and family members; and ■ Speak up for transgender individuals through public statements and appearances at significant events. Expanding Front Office Advocacy ■ Engage with the Management Bureau and other bureaus to issue recruitment announcements with nondiscrimination and diversity and inclusion statements; ■ Engage in quiet diplomacy with the 7th floor and bureaus to advance issues of importance to glifaa members; and ■ Create a database of current and retired leaders glifaa can engage with when needed to advocate on behalf of members and support LGBT+ initiatives. Strengthening glifaa as an Organization ■ Ensure glifaa’s legal status aligns with the department’s legal requirements and the Foreign Affairs Manual and, if needed, register glifaa as a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization; ■ Organize frequent educational, professional and social activities, including a regularly scheduled, monthly networking event for members and allies; ■ Increase support for activities organized by glifaa post represen- tatives abroad; ■ Improve glifaa’s communications strategy and modernize the website and social media accounts; and ■ Expand glifaa’s presence at Capital Pride; the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia; the Transgender Day of Remembrance; and other LGBT+ events. Summary of glifaa‘s 2020 Agenda GSM@AID: Helping USAID to Live Its Values By Danielle Carnes G ender and Sexual Minorities at USAID (GSM@AID) unites professionals with a diverse range of backgrounds and experience around a central mission: to improve the recruitment, retention and promotion of gender and sexual minorities at USAID, with a special emphasis on the needs of