The Foreign Service Journal, October 2020
THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | OCTOBER 2020 5 October 2020 Volume 97, No. 8 FOREIGN SERVICE Focus on Advancing Diversity & Inclusion 52 A Time of “Great Malaise” The experience of a distinguished career FSO offers a look into the dark side of mid-century America. By Fe l i c i t y O. Yo s t 22 Needed: A Management Mindset Achieving meaningful change requires a fundamental shift in the Department of State’s handling of its most important asset: its people. By Ch a r i t y L . Boye t t e 27 State’s Problems Are Not New: A Look at the Record Despite a decades-old legal mandate, diversity has simply not been a priority at the State Department. By R i c h a rd A . F i g u e r oa 30 The Payne Fellowship: Boosting Diversity at USAID Launched in 2012, the Payne Fellowship has proven itself a valuable program. By Yo u s h e a Be r r y 57 The Exile of a China Hand: John Carter Vincent in Tangier For the sin of accurately foreseeing the success of Mao Tse-tung’s communist insurgency, Foreign Service “China hands” were accused of disloyalty and punished. By Ge r a l d Lo f t u s 61 From the FSJ Archive: The McCarthy Years Inside the Department of State By J o h n W. Fo rd FS Heritage: McCarthyism Revisited 35 Diversification in the Foreign Agricultural Service Launched five years ago, USDA’s Office of Civil Rights is working alongside the FAS to create a more engaging and empowering environment. By Va l e r i e B r own 37 One Bureau’s Model for Moving Forward With a spotlight on State’s lack of diversity in the senior ranks, the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs has stepped forward with a practical program to create real change. By S t a c y D. Wi l l i ams 40 Making Diversity and Inclusion Real in Foreign Affairs Re p o r t s f r om t h e Emp l oye e A f f i n i t y G r o u p s MICHAELAUSTIN
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