The Foreign Service Journal, October 2022

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | OCTOBER 2022 5 October 2022 Volume 99, No. 8 Focus: Perspectives on Ukraine Straight from the Source 22 Understanding Ukraine Ukraine captured world attention when Russia invaded in February. Here, an FSJ Q&A with a former ambassador to Ukraine sheds light on this vexing international crisis. By Wi l l i am B . Ta y l o r 27 Did NATO Expansion Really Cause Putin’s Invasion? A seasoned diplomat considers this question in light of his own experience. By Ke n Mo s kow i t z 31 Should Ukraine Have Kept Nuclear Weapons? The Russian invasion threw the Budapest Memorandum’s efficacy into question. Here are thoughts from a lead negotiator for that important arms control milestone. By Ro s e Go t t emo e l l e r 34 Ukraine Reconstruction: Priorities, Institutions, and the Private Sector Though the war remains far from over, the scale and complexity of the Ukraine reconstruction effort require stakeholders to plan now, this commercial diplomat explains. By M i c h a e l A . L a l l y 38 FSO Selection: Changing the Path to the Oral Assessment No longer a pass/fail gateway to the Foreign Service, written test scores will be considered with other factors evaluated by means of a complex algorithm at the Qualification Evaluation Panel stage. By De i d i De l a h a n t y 43 Language Testing Reforms: What You Need to Know The first major changes to language testing in a half-century are underway. Here’s the story. By Da v i d B . Sawye r Appreciation 47 An Inspiring Foreign Service Life: Ann Delavan Harrop, 1928-2022 By Su s a n Ro c kwe l l J o h n s o n WIKIOO.ORG -THEENCYCLOPEDIAOFFINEARTS–THEARTOFMARIAPRIMACHENKO