The Foreign Service Journal, November 2003
A Portable Identity: A Woman’s Guide to Maintaining a Sense of Self While Moving Overseas Debra R. Bryson, MSW, and Charise M. Hoge, MSW, A Park Publication, 2003, $24.95, paperback, 250 pages. This book by two professional social workers, who met as expatriate wives working as counselors at the Community Services of Bangkok in 1991, is a useful contribution to the growing literature on cross-cultural adaptation. Written to help women manage the changes in identity that occur during a move overseas, the book includes exercises and personal stories in a work- book-type format. The authors developed “the Wheel,” a model a woman can use to take charge of change. The authors both moved overseas in support of their husbands’ careers — Bryson’s husband Brad is a former State Department employee, and Hoge’s husband Charles is a research physician for the U.S. Army. A Moveable Marriage: Relocate Your Relationship without Breaking It Robin Pascoe, Expatriate Press Limited, 2003, $16.95, paperback, 206 pages. “This is the first book I’ve read that really gets to the nitty-gritty of the marital challenges associated with supporting a husband’s moveable career,” writes one relo- cated wife about A Moveable Marriage . “Not only does Robin tackle issues most couples and girlfriends wouldn’t dare discuss — like sex, money, resentment, career, chil- dren, indifference, resignation and even depression — she talks about them with alarming clarity and common sense.” An insightful foreword by a wise couples therapist and a list of helpful books and Web sites are added bonuses. Pascoe, who accompanied her Foreign Service husband to posts in Asia is now based in Canada. Her popular Web site, , provides information, opinion, and humor for families on the move. F O C U S 32 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 3 “How Tos” for the FS Lifestyle Also of Interest: Parenting Abroad Ngaire Jehle-Caitcheon, Aletheia Publications, Inc., 2003, $19.95, paperback, 258 pages. Raising children is a daunting yet exhilarating challenge anywhere. This book by a veteran expatriate mother is a practical guide to the unique issues that may arise when families embark on a mobile lifestyle, and, in the words of Foreign Service Youth Foundation reviewer Kay Branaman Eakin, is “a welcome con- tribution to the existing literature, focusing on the concept of a ‘mobile family experience’ and the universali- ty of such a concept.” Originally from New Zealand, Jehle-Caitcheon has lived abroad for 26 years. Daughters of Britannia: The Life and Times of Diplomatic Wives Katie Hickman, Perennial, 2002, $14.95, paperback, 368 pages. This is a “delightful book,” according to Publishers Weekly. Its Anglocentric subject should not pre- vent it from reaching its full audi- ence, for it is an entertaining social history of the female side of diplo- matic life in the British Foreign Service from the 17th through the 20th centuries. The author, herself the daughter of a diplomat, closely observed her mother’s 28 years on the road and also draws on pub- lished memoirs, letters, diaries, interviews and personal reminis- cences. Pocket Partner Compiled by Dennis H. Evers, Mary E. Miller, and Thomas J. Glover, Sequoia Publishing, Inc., 3rd edition 2003, $9.95, paperback, 672 pages. This handbook has been brought out in a new edition to meet the needs of diplomats and others who may be targets of terrorist activity. A chapter titled “Terrorism and Countermeasures” is one of the many new features. Despite its U.S. orientation — time zones, for exam- ple, are given only for North America — this little book contains a wealth of vital information. The book can be ordered online at
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