The Foreign Service Journal, November 2004

has a practical role to play on the world stage may seem unlikely. But, drawing mainly from case studies in Northern Ireland, Bosnia and the truth commissions in South Africa, this unusual book shows that political leaders such as the late King Hussein of Jordan, Nelson Mandela of South Africa, Kim Dae Jung of South Korea and others have helped heal political wounds by engaging in “transactions of forgiveness.” Authors Hennemeyer, a retired FSO and former ambassador to The Gambia, Christiansen and Bole are fellows of the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University. The book is an outgrowth of Woodstock’s project, “Forgiveness in Conflict Resolution: Reality in Utility,” conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Office of International Justice and Peace. Hennemeyer and Christiansen are also authors of Peacemaking: Moral and Policy Challenges for a New World (1994). Commercial Diplomacy and the National Interest Harry W. Kopp, American Academy of Diplomacy/Business Council for International Understanding, 2004, $9.95, paperback, 140 pages. This is a lucid and lively presenta- tion of the history and workings of commercial diplomacy, from its flowering in the 1970s to the challenges of today’s globalized world. Based on stories and case studies from the fiercely competitive world of international business, the author examines strategies adopted, tactics executed and results achieved to plead for greater recognition that, in the author’s words, “America’s commercial power is the primary source of American global leadership.” The book also shows diplomats and business leaders the many ways they can and must work together to their mutual benefit. Harry W. Kopp is a retired FSO. Political Islam in Southeast Asia: Moderates, Radicals and Terrorists Angel M. Rabasa, International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2003, $29.95, paperback, 82 pages. This slender volume presents a comprehensive but concise overview of the evolution of political Islam in Southeast Asia — a subject of critical interest since the events of 9/11 — and its implications for the future of the region. The author looks in turn at Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, and the Philippines, and assesses the terrorist networks in the region. The impact of the U.S.-led war on terrorism and policies that Southeast Asian governments and the U.S. and its allies could pursue to strengthen moderate and tolerant tendencies within Southeast Asian Islam are also dis- cussed. A retired FSO, Angel Rabasa is a senior policy ana- lyst with the RAND Corporation. He is the author of numerous books and articles on Southeast Asia. His latest publication, with John Haseman, is The Military and Democracy in Indonesia: Challenges, Politics and Power (2002). CCSP: Secure PIX and Secure VPN Study Guide Eric Quinn, SYBEX Inc., 2004, $59.99, paperback, 525 pages plus CD-ROM. This book, though not for the general reader, is a mark of the diversity and quality of profession- al expertise within the Foreign Service today. For anyone preparing for the Cisco Certified Security Professional exams for the Secure PIX Firewall and Secure VPN technologies, this study guide is essential. It provides in-depth coverage of all exam topics, practical information on implementing the tech- nologies, hundreds of challenging review questions, and exam preparation software that includes a test engine and electronic flashcards. Eric Quinn, an information management specialist currently serving in Athens, has more than a decade of experience in supporting security for corporate and government LANs and WANs. He is the author of four books relating to network configuration and security, and was instrumental in designing Cisco’s course on the 6500 series switch. One Planet, One People: Beyond “Us vs. Them” Carl Coon, Prometheus Books, 2004, $22.00, hardcover, 150 pages. This is a bold and interesting look at human civiliza- tion on the threshold of a new world order. “The sec- F O C U S N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 4 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 23