The Foreign Service Journal, November 2005

F O C U S N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 5 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 45 In the Shadows of History: Fifty Years Behind the Scenes of Cold War Diplomacy Chester L. Cooper, Prometheus Books, 2005, $28.00, hardcover, 357 pages. Over a career spanning five decades, Chester L. Cooper served in the White House, State Depart- ment and CIA, often as a deputy to such high-profile statesmen as John Foster Dulles and Averell Harriman. He was near the center of power during many of the crises of our nation’s recent history. This lively memoir takes us behind the scenes to see for ourselves how policy is made and offers unique insights into the personalities of many now-historic individuals. Journey to Become a Diplomat George Cunningham, FPA Global Vision Books, Foreign Policy Association, 2005, $19.95, paperback, 214 pages. A successful diplomat who has served with the United Nations and the European Union, Briton George Cunningham began his journey to a career in world affairs with a trek the length of Africa. This compelling story of his voyage of discovery and subsequent career path in Europe and the U.S. offers inspiration and valuable guidance to all who seek that precious goal: becoming a diplomat. The author is an honorary fellow of the Foreign Policy Association, and currently serves as counselor at the European Com- mission Representation in Nicosia. * per night, single or double occupancy subject to availability Y our search is over, choose a hotel where the federal per diem rate is available year-round. * t Luxurious Suites t All rooms with full size kitchen & stove tops t Fitness center t Complimentary in-room coffee t Full service restaurant t Parking available t Across fromMain State t White House, The Mall, and Metro Foggy Bottom station (blue & orange lines) within walking distance Accommodations State Plaza Hotel 2117 E. St. NW Washington, DC 20037 Telephone: (800) 424-2859 (202) 861-8200 Parking Available Rated HHH 1 / 2 by AAA E-mail: