The Foreign Service Journal, November 2006
Nomination Procedures 1. Any AFSAmember in good standing (i.e., a member whose dues are automatically deducted or who has paid dues as of Feb. 1, 2007)may submit names (includinghis or her ownname) innom- ination for anyof theabove-mentionedpositions forwhich thenom- inee is eligible. Nomember may nominate more than one person for each officer position or more than the number of representa- tives established for each constituency. No member’s name may appear on the ballot for more than one position. 2. Inorder tobenominated, apersonmust be amember ingood standing and remain in good standing through the electionprocess and, if elected, for his/her term of office. 3. The Foreign Service Act restricts employees occupying cer- tain positions in the foreign affairs agencies from serving on the Governing Board. Only employees inAFSA’s bargaining unitmay serve on the boardor nominate others to serve. Therefore, individ- uals who will be serving as management officials and confidential employees (as defined below) when the new board takes office on July 15, 2007, are ineligible to occupy a position on the Governing Board. Inaddition,management officials andconfidential employ- eesmaynotmakenominations forGoverningBoardpositions. For thepurpose of the abovediscussion,management officialmeans an individual who: is a chief of mission or principal officer; occupies a position of comparable importance to chief of mission or principal officer; is serving as a deputy to the foregoing positions; is assigned to the Office of the Inspector General; or is engaged in labor-man- agement relations or the formulationof personnel policies andpro- gramsof a foreignaffairs agency. Confidential employees areemploy- ees who act in a confidential capacity with respect to an individual who formulates or carries out management policies in labor-man- agement relations. Furthermore, theForeignServiceAct alsoplaces a two-year restric- tion on the movement of Foreign Service personnel between cer- tain positions in AFSA and certain Washington-based jobs in the foreign affairs agencies. Pre-AFSA restrictions: Any individual who has served 1) in a management position in Washington in which heor shehas engaged in labor-management relations or the formu- lation of personnel policies and programs or 2) as a confidential employee(asdefinedabove)withintwoyears prior to taking office in AFSA, is ineligible to hold the position of AFSA president or constituency vice president. Post-AFSA restrictions: Inaddition, any individual who has held one of the foregoing positions in AFSA may not serve 1) in a management position inWashington that involves labor- management relationsor the formulationof personnel policies and programs or 2) as a confidential employee, for two years after leaving AFSA. Members should consider these restric- tions before deciding whether to run for AFSAGoverningBoardpositions coveredby these restrictions. Please directquestions regarding this issue toSharonPapp,GeneralCounsel, at phone: (202) 647-8160; Fax: (202) 647-0265 or e-mail: papps@ . 4. Nominations may be submitted individually or in slates. A proposedslatemusthaveaminimumof four candidates fromat least two constituencies. Slate designations will be noted on the ballot. 5. All nominationsmust be submitted inwritingby letter, cable, faxor e-mail. AllwrittennominationsmustbeaddressedtotheAFSA Elections Committee, 2101 E Street NW, Washington DC 20037. Tobe valid, theymust,without exception, be receivedat this address no later than 5 p.m. on Feb. 1, 2007. Members overseas can send “AFSAChannel” cables marked for delivery to the AFSA Elections Committee. They must be received in the State Department’s Communications Center within the same time limit. Faxes can be sent to (202) 338-6820, and e-mail to Alternatively, nominations can be hand-delivered to a commit- tee member who will be in the AFSA office, Room 1251, Department of State, from 11 a.m. to 12 noon on Feb. 1, 2007, or to an Elections Committee representative at AFSAheadquarters, at 2101 E Street NW, during that same time period. 6. A nominee can indicate his or her acceptance of a nomi- nationby appending a letter to the letter of nominationor by appro- priate notation on that letter, or by communicatingwith the AFSA Elections Committee at the addresses, fax and e-mail noted above. Otherwise, an authorized representative of the Elections Committeewill communicatewith eachnominee (excludingmem- bers who nominate themselves) as quickly as possible after the receipt of each nomination to determine whether the nominee wishes to be a candidate. Any member who accepts the nomi- nationmust confirmhis or her acceptance inwriting through one of the channels described above, addressed to the AFSAElections Committee, to be received no later than 12 noon on Feb. 7. Any nominee whose written acceptance of nomination has not been received by the Elections Committee by the above time limit will be considered to have declined candidacy. Election Campaign 1. All candidatesnominatedunder theprocedureoutlinedabove will begiventheopportunity tosubmit cam- paign statements for dissemination to the AFSAmembershipwith the electionballots. Further information regarding such state- ments and editorial deadlines will be con- tained in the “Instructions to Candidates,” which will be issued by the Elections Committee on or before Feb. 1, 2007. 2. TheAFSAbylawsprovide that, should candidateswishtomailsupplementarystate- ments to the membership, the association willmake available to themon request, and at their expense, the membership mailing list or address labels. Further information 88 F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L / NOV EMB E R 2 0 0 6 A F S A N E W S Governing Board • Continued from page 81 ELECTIONS COMMITTEEMEMBERS Robert J. Wozniak, Chair (202) 686-0996 Geoff Cleasby, FCS (703) 235-0326 Anita Katial, FAS (202) 720-8777 Richard Thompson, Retiree (301) 229-6442 Karen Welch, USAID (202) 712-1423 Frontis Wiggins, State (703) 302-7381
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