The Foreign Service Journal, November 2008

seek to dominate them, but most are nonetheless inclined to play it safe and pursue a carefully calibrated poli- cy of continued association, including military cooperation, with the United States. Much of the Cold War pattern of East Asian alliances with the United States, with Japan as its linch- pin, therefore persists. From the point of view of the Asian participants in these alliances, their purpose is not, as in the past, to contain China but to ensure that it will fit unthreateningly into a regional balance bolstered by American power. Meanwhile, China itself is firmly focused on its own economic and social development. It very much wishes to avoid needless confronta- tions with the United States. As a result, in comparison with other regions, East Asia remains relatively disinclined to challenge American views and prone to accommodate them when possible. This deferential stance has not, however, precluded disagreements with Washington over issues like how to deal with Burma (Myanmar) and North Korea, or the development of regional groupings or institutions that exclude Washington. Such groupings are a growing phenomenon, largely centered on the Association of South- east Asian Nations. Some of them involve various Asian-only combina- tions; some involve Europe. Some include Australia and India while oth- ers exclude one or both. Washington has inadvertently accelerated the trend toward exclu- sion of the United States from region- al groupings in the Asia-Pacific region by erratic participation in key meet- ings, and by its insistence that they focus on terrorism or various Middle East-related issues, with respect to which Asians do not share American perspectives or obsessions. Mean- while, China and India have taken out their own insurance policies against American hegemony, in the form of regular trilateral meetings with Russia devoted to promoting multipolarity, respect for the United Nations Charter, and other offsets to U.S. efforts to dictate and dominate the world order. The fact that other countries are N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 8 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 49 Washington has shown a preference for bluster, boycotts and bombs, and a concomitant disdain for diplomacy, in the Middle East. Interim Accommodations for Corporate and Government Markets Apartments, Townhouses & Single Family Homes “FOR THE EXECUTIVE ON THE MOVE” Locations throughout Northern Virginia and D.C. Units fully furnished, equipped and accessorized Many “Walk to Metro” locations Pet Friendly 5105-L Backlick Road, Annandale, Virginia Tel: (703) 354-4070 Fax: (703) 642-3619 Executive Lodging Alternatives