The Foreign Service Journal, November 2008

80 F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L / NOV EMB E R 2 0 0 8 bylaws, constitutes a formal notice to all AFSAmembers of the opportunity topar- ticipate innominationandelectionof anew GoverningBoard. All of theofficer andrep- resentative positions listed below are for two-year terms beginning July 15, 2009. Positions to be Filled AFSAbylaws require that allGoverning Board members shall be resident in the Washington area within 60 days of taking office on July 15 and shall remain resident in the Washington area throughout their term in office. The officerpositions tobe filled in this election are: President Vice President for State Vice President for USAID Vice President for FCS Vice President for FAS Vice President for Retirees Secretary Treasurer The president and State, USAID and FAS vice presidents are full-time positions detailed to AFSA. The FCS vice president is detailed 50 percent of his or her time to AFSA. These employees are assignedover complement and are eligible for time-in- class extensions. Article V (4)(b) of the AFSA bylaws authorizes a constituency vicepresident for each constituencywith aminimumof 100 members and one constituency represen- tative position for every 1,000members or fraction thereof. Representatives are required to attend monthly lunchtime boardmeetings andmay volunteer to serve on additional committees. Theconstituencyrepresentativeposi- tions to be filled in this election are: State Department Representatives (nine positions) USAIDRepresentative (oneposition) FCS Representative (one position) FAS Representative (one position) IBBRepresentative (one position) RetiredMemberRepresentatives(four positions) Nomination Procedures 1. Any AFSAmember in good stand- ing (i.e., a member whose dues are auto- matically deducted or who has paid dues as of Feb. 2, 2009) may submit names (including his or her own name) in nom- ination for any of the above-mentioned positions forwhich the nominee is eligible. Nomembermaynominatemore thanone person for each officer position or more than the number of representatives estab- lished for eachconstituency. Nomember’s name may appear on the ballot for more than one position. 2. In order to be nominated, a person must be a member in good standing and remain in good standing through the elec- tion process and, if elected, for his or her term of office. 3. The Foreign Service Act restricts employees occupying certain positions in the foreignaffairs agencies fromservingon the Governing Board. Only employees in AFSA’s bargaining unit may serve on the Governing Board or nominate others to serve on the board. Therefore, individu- alswhowill be serving asmanagement offi- cials andconfidential employees (as defined below)when thenewboard takes office on July15, 2009, are ineligible tooccupyaposi- tionon theGoverningBoard. In addition, management officials and confidential employeesmaynotmake nominations for Governing Board positions. For thepurposeof the abovediscussion, management official means an individual who: is a chief ofmission or principal offi- cer; occupies a position of comparable importance to chief of mission or princi- pal officer; is serving as adeputy to the fore- going positions; is assigned to the Office of the Inspector General; or is engaged in labor management relations or the for- mulation of personnel policies and pro- grams of a foreign affairs agency. Con- fidential employees are employees who act in a confidential capacity with respect to an individual who formulates or carries out management policies in labor-manage- ment relations. The Foreign Service Act also places a two-year restriction on the movement of ForeignService personnel between certain positions inAFSAandcertainWashington- based jobs in the foreign affairs agencies. The pre-AFSArestrictions: Any individual whohas served: 1) in amanagement posi- tion inWashington inwhichhe or she has engaged in labor-management relations or the formulation of personnel policies and programs; or 2) as a confidential employ- ee (as definedabove)within twoyears prior to takingoffice inAFSA, is ineligible tohold the position of AFSA president or con- stituencyvicepresident. Post-AFSArestric- A F S A N E W S Governing Board • Continued from page 75 ELECTIONS COMMITTEE MEMBERS Oscar De Soto, Chair (703) 992-6397 Quintin Gray (202) 401-0023 LeAnna Marr (202) 712-0451 Robert J. Riley (202) 647-6375 Richard Thompson (301) 229-6442 STAFF John Mamone, Executive Director (202) 944-5505 Zlatana Badrich, Labor Management Attorney (202) 647-8160 Sharon Papp, General Counsel (202) 647-8160 Janet Hedrick, Director, Member Services (703) 203-9002 Barbara Berger, Professional Issues Coordinator (202) 338-4045, ext. 521