The Foreign Service Journal, November 2010

N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 0 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 35 than the traditional viewpoint of political science. The book explores several themes connecting the hu- manities and politics. The first is that the history of in- ternational statecraft can be traced through works of literature, including ancient Greek works by Homer and modern works by Kipling and Proust. Hill wants to show that the building blocks of the international system, in- cluding “diplomacy, justice and lawful governance” arise from parts of human nature. A second theme is the significance of a broad hu- manities education for those working in international pol- itics. Great works by authors like Sun Tzu help diplomats and statesmen to understand eternal political ideas and their origins in human nature and interaction. Hill has written a book aiming to distill the wisdom of human ex- perience for the benefit of diplomats and widen their un- derstanding of international politics. Retired FSOCharles Hill was an adviser to many im- portant political figures, including Ronald Reagan, George Shultz and Henry Kissinger. Today he is diplo- mat-in-residence and a lecturer in international studies at Yale University, as well as a research fellow at the Hoover Institute. Up Close and Personal with the Urantia Book Expanded Edition J.J. Johnson, 2010, $19.99, paperback, 450 pages. Up Close and Personal with the Urantia Book is a study guide for students of the spiri- tual and philosophical work first published by the Urantia Foundation in 1955 as The Urantia Book . Though its origin remains a matter of debate, the work consists of a series of papers on the genesis, history and destiny of humanity and our rela- tionship with God, including a unique portrayal of the life and teachings of Jesus. The papers propound the integration of science, philosophy and religion. Johnson’s guide contains short essays on his own ex- periences with The Urantia Book , as well as references to particular topics in the different papers of the book organized by subject. A devoted student of Urantia, Johnson was a founding member and past president of the Grand Canyon Society for Readers of the Uran- tia Book. This new edition features a chapter, “The