The Foreign Service Journal, November 2010

46 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 0 she contributes to Whirledview , an e-zine devoted to diplomacy and foreign policy, and is working to publish two collections of short stories. REFERENCE The Diplomat’s Dictionary Chas W. Freeman Jr., United States Institute of Peace Press, 2010, $19.95, paperback, 362 pages. With The Diplomat’s Diction- ary , Chas W. Freeman adds lexi- cographer to his already impress- ive list of accomplishments. In this new, second edition, the book provides “practical information, witty insights, and words of wisdom on the art and practice of diplomacy,” as well as more than 475 new entries, from “abruptness” to “zealots.” Readers will appreciate this collection of humorous, poignant and helpful definitions of terms clearly related to diplomacy (such as “diplomats”) and others whose connection is not immediately obvious (such as “words,” about which Winston Churchill said “To jaw-jaw is al- ways better than to war-war”). The Diplomat’s Dictionary provides utility beyond simply looking up the meaning of a word and is popu- lar with candidates preparing for the FS exams. Through quotations, summaries and straightforward definitions or translations of foreign phrases, Freeman helps readers learn new terms and explore different sides of terms with which they are already familiar. The book concludes with short biographies of those quoted therein, as well as a bibliography and extensive index. Diplomats and casual readers alike will appreci- ate the wit and charm of this unconventional dictionary. Chas W. Freeman Jr. has extensive influence in diplo- matic affairs, having served in India, Taiwan, China, Thailand and Saudi Arabia. He was the principal Amer- ican interpreter on President Richard Nixon’s visit to China in 1972 and served as ambassador to Saudi Ara- bia during the Persian Gulf War. He was a United States Institute of Peace senior fellow from 1994 to 1995 and has also authored Arts of Power: Statecraft and Diplo- macy (U.S. Institute of Peace Press, 1997).