The Foreign Service Journal, November 2010
A F S A N E W S 70 F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L / NOV EMB E R 2 0 1 0 CLASSIFIEDS AFSA NEWS BRIEFS TRANSITION CENTER SCHEDULE OF COURSES for November - December 2010 Nov. 1-2 MQ911 Security Overseas Seminar Nov. 3 MQ801 Maintaining Long-Distance Relationships Nov. 9 MQ115 Explaining America Nov. 15-16 MQ911 Security Overseas Seminar Nov. 19-20 MQ104 Regulations, Allowances and Finances Nov. 20 MQ116 Protocol Nov. 29-30 MQ911 Security Overseas Seminar Dec. 2 MQ803 Realities of Foreign Service Life Dec. 4 MQ802 Communicating Across Cultures Dec. 8-9 MQ107 English Teaching Seminar Dec. 13-14 MQ911 Security Overseas Seminar Dec. 20-21 MQ911 Security Overseas Seminar To register or for further information, e-mail the FSI Transition Center at . AFSA Names New Governing Board Members The AFSA Governing Board approved the appointments of two new members, both specialists from the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, at its Sept. 1 meeting. Bruce Matthews , who draws on 23 years of experience as a security engi- neering officer, leads the quality and liai- son section of DS Security Technology. He recently completed his master’s degree in national security resource strat- egy at the National Defense University. Ako Cromwell is a DS special agent cur- rently training for an assignment in Moscow. He has served on protective details for Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, as well as former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, visit- ing more than 60 embassies and con- sulates as part of the job. Stapleton Roy • Continued from page 68 son, the United States should not overre- act duringChina’s “periodof exuberant tri- umphalism” following the global financial crisis, Amb. Roy said. Instead, he argued, the best response is to vigorously demonstrate American resiliencewhilemaintaining “awell-fund- edandhighlyqualifiedForeignService that can maximize the effectiveness of U.S. diplomacy.” Thoughhe acknowledgeda rocky road ahead, Amb. Roy expressed confidence in the future of the U.S.-China relationship. The Adair Memorial Lecture Series on American Diplomacy is funded by a perpetual gift from the Adair family to the Fund for American Diplomacy that supports AFSA’s Speakers Bureau, a key element in our national outreach program. AFSA President Susan Johnson sat on the dais in the chapel alongwithMarshall Adair, a former AFSA president and founder of the Adair Memorial Fund. ❏ LEGAL SERVICES ATTORNEY WITH 30 years’ successful experience SPECIALIZING FULL-TIME IN FS GRIEVANCES will more than double your chance of winning: 30%of grievantswin before the Grievance Board; 85% of my clients win. Only a private attorney can adequately devel- op and present your case, including neces- sary regs, arcane legal doctrines, precedents and rules. Call Bridget R. Mugane at Tel: (301) 596-0175 or (202) 387-4383. E-mail: Free initial telephone consultation. WILLS/ESTATE PLANNING by attorney who is a former FSO. Have your will reviewed and updated, or newone prepared: No charge for initial consultation. M. Bruce Hirshorn, Boring & Pilger, P.C. 307Maple Ave. W, Suite D, Vienna, VA 22180. Tel: (703) 281-2161. Fax: (703) 281-9464. E-mail: EXPERIENCED ATTORNEYS REPRE- SENTING FS officers in grievances, perfor- mance, promotion and tenure, financial claims, discrimination anddisciplinary actions. We rep- resent FS officers at all stages of the proceed- ings froman investigation, issuanceof proposed discipline or the initiation of a grievance, through to a hearingbefore the FSGB. We pro- vide experienced, timely and knowledgeable advice to employees from junior untenuredoffi- cers through the Senior FS, and often work closely with AFSA. Kalijarvi, Chuzi & Newman. Tel: (202) 331-9260. E-mail: . LEGAL SERVICES ATTORNEYS EXPERIENCED IN REP- RESENTINGFOREIGNSERVICEOFFICERS and intelligence community mem- bers in civil and criminal investigations, admin- istrative inquiries, IG issues, grievances, disci- plinary investigations, and security clearance issues. Extensive StateDepartment experience, both as counsel to the IG and in L and in rep- resenting individual officers. We have handled successfully some particularly difficult cases confronting Foreign Service and intelligence offi- cers, both before the Foreign ServiceGrievance Board and in the federal and local courts. We work closely with AFSA when appropriate and cost effective. Doumar Martin PLLC. Tel: (703) 243-3737. Fax (703) 524-7610. E-mail: . Web site: LEGAL SERVICES PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD: $1.40/ word (10-wordmin). First 3words bolded free, additional bold text 85¢/word. Header or box- shading $11 each. Deadline: 5 wks ahead of publication. Adv. Mgr. Tel: (202) 944-5507. Fax: (202) 338-8244. E-mail:
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