The Foreign Service Journal, November 2012

30 NOVEMBER 2012 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL Quejas, Tchufe e Lobo: Creole Kings of Samba, Fado and Morna in the 30s Alveno Figueiredo e Silva, Editorial Estampa, 2012, €16.98, paperback, 216 pages. This Portuguese-language work cele- brates the great kings of samba, fado and morna music from the Creole islands of Cape Verde. A tribute to the memory of Fernando Quejas, Pedro Alcantara de Freitas Silve Ramos (Tchufe) and Antoninho Lobo, it introduces the reader to the world of the three wistful Creole singers who contributed greatly to showcasing the musical genres from three cultures—Cape Verdean, Brazilian and Portuguese. The Cape Verde islands are natural harbors for the crossing of cultures. They are perhaps best known for the warmth of the charming songs brought to life by the many different cultures of their population. The great themes of Eugenio Tavares or B. Leza, for example, mesmerize listeners with their lyricism and slow tempo. From the popular group Dos Tubarões to the world-renowned Cesari Evora, the author explores the interweaving of musical traditions, such as the crossing of fado with Angolan rhythms and even with Arabic lyrics. The Cape Verdean island of Boa Vista, in particular, was a musical epicenter during the 19th century. Alveno Figueiredo e Silva is a Cape Verdean journalist. His wife, Kathryn M. Coster, is a Foreign Service office manage- ment specialist in Lisbon. His book is available online at or from the author at alvenoscar@ America’s Unknown Wars William S. Shepard, Seth B. Cutler Press, 2011, $2.99, Kindle Edition. One of William Shepard’s ancestors fought in a conflict that the author had never heard of, King Philip’s War, which took place from 1675 to 1676 in colonial Massachusetts. It turned out to have been among the worst wars in Ameri- can history from the standpoint of damage and casualties. That prompted Shepard to wonder about other “unknown” conflicts. We may have heard about the French and Indian War (1754- 1760), but the details are elusive. The War of 1812 (1812-1815) left us with our National Anthem and a host of stirring battle slogans, but why was it fought? The Mexican War (1846-1848) was opposed by Representative Abraham Lincoln, but it expanded America’s reach exponentially, making us a continental power. And the Spanish-American War (1898) turned us into a power with global reach. The author reviews each of these conflicts that are part of our national legacy and asks if we have learned the crucial lessons that each of them left us. Career FSOWilliam S. Shepard, who retired as consul general in Bordeaux, also served in Singapore, Saigon, Budapest, Athens and Washington, D.C. He has written more than a dozen books, including a memoi r (see p. 41) a nd a new collection of mystery storie s (see p. 51). POLICY & ISSUES Iran: The Nuclear Challenge Robert D. Blackwill, ed., Council on Foreign Relations, Inc., 2012, $9.99, paperback, 77 pages. A refreshing examination of an issue beloved by headline-screaming political pundits, Iran: The Nuclear Challenge is a timely compilation of essays written by associates of the David Rockefeller Studies Program of the Council on Foreign Relations. The work offers a variety of perspectives assessing the tools and strategies to face Iran and its nuclear program that are based on a deep under- standing of Iran, its internal structure and leadership, and its place as an outcast in the Middle East. Although the authors—Elliot Abrams, Robert D. Blackwill, Robert M. Danin, Richard A. Falkenrath, Matthew Kroenig, Meghan L. O’Sullivan and Ray Takeyh—have their own strong opinions on potential policy options, they have made an effort to present valid and objective choices, looking over and reacting to each other’s essays to create a cohesive analysis of this tense situation. Their topics range from the efficacy of sanctions and negotia- tions and the potential outcomes of Israeli or U.S. offensive action to the prospect of Iran with a nuclear bomb. This slim but multi- faceted volume is a must read for those seeking to understand the complexities of engaging the Islamic Republic. Robert D. Blackwill, a retired career Senior Foreign Service officer, served as President George W. Bush’s ambassador to India from 2001 to 2003. He is currently a Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow for U.S. foreign policy at the Council on Foreign Relations.