The Foreign Service Journal, November 2012

36 NOVEMBER 2012 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL pancreatic cancer. Diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer on his birthday in 2007, Michael Lippe’s chances of surviving until his book was published were 2 percent. He defied these odds and others, as he tells in this account of his personal journey. From the medical professional’s viewpoint, Dung T. Le gives an in-depth view of pancreatic cancer and treatment options. Her reasoned explanations help clarify medical jargon and dispel intimidating preconceptions about chemotherapy. Though it concerns the darkest of clouds, this joint creation is somehow uplifting in its reminder of life’s many silver lin- ings. Michael Lippe has chosen to give back to research after his death and, while he continues his fight, to inspire others with a message that is important at any stage of life: how to live. Michael J. Lippe, a former USAID FSO, retired after 20 years of service focused on local government issues, shelter for the poor and corruption. This book is the product of an e-mail he sent to his doctor, asking if she would like to co-author the project. Dung T. Le is an oncologist at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Drops of Remembrance Juan M. Bracete, Vantage Press, 2012, $10.95, paperback, 66 pages. “Life is never easy or unequivocal.” This notion embodies Juan Bracete’s memoir, Drops of Remembrance . It is a short and sweet account of Bracete’s journey from his homeland Puerto Rico to Georgetown University and, later, into the professions of U.S. immigration judge and Foreign Service officer, told through memorable experiences. Bracete uses his diplomatic experiences in Venezuela, Turkey and El Salvador to draw life lessons, such as “Destiny plays tricks on us” and “We sometimes feel boxed in, when probably we are not.” After leaving the Foreign Service to settle in El Salvador, his wife’s homeland, Bracete became ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the sovereign Military Order of Malta to that country, a position he held from 2001 until 2009, when he resigned to return to America. Juan Bracete, born and raised in Puerto Rico, has a private law practice. He earned his B.A. fromGeorgetown University and J.D. at the University of Puerto Rico. After working as a U.S. immigra- tion judge, he spent six years in the Foreign Service. In his free time he enjoys reading the works of Franz Kafka and Nassim Taleb and is a philatelist. My Healing Heart: A Life Journey to Find Love Rosalie B. Kahn, iUniverse, Inc., 2011, $16.95, paperback, 256 pages. The Foreign Service takes diplomats across countless boarders, leaving many things behind—but, fortunately or unfortunately, one’s past is not one of them. In this mem- oir, Rosalie Kahn tells of her struggle with the trials and tribulations of her past: from sexual and emotional abuse to battle with a life-threatening illness. She documents her spiritual journey through these trials. The story begins in childhood and continues through Kahn’s 26 years in the Foreign Service and, finally, retirement. Her can- did narrative, faith and palpable yearning for true love in life— both self-love and spiritual love—gives this memoir an inspira- tional and uplifting quality, as she finally finds happiness and joy. A native of New York City, Rosalie Kahn joined the Foreign Service in 1977 and served in Turkey, Pakistan and Germany, among other postings. She now writes, practices healing work and leads teachings in spiritual growth in Algarrobo, Chile, where she resides with her husband, Guillermo Lopez. Kilimanjaro: One Man’s Quest to Go Over the Hill M.G. Edwards, Brilliance Press, 2012, $9.99, paperback, 209 pages. Approaching middle age, sick and over- weight, Mike Edwards was hardly in shape to face the tallest mountain in Africa. But armed with stubborn perseverance and the desire to defy naysayers, he reaches for the top in his attempt to tackle Kilimanjaro. The tale covers every aspect of the climb, from preparations that included being dragged through aisles of clothing by his avid shopper (and mountain climber) wife to eating a monotonous vegetarian diet for five days. Once on the mountain, it doesn’t matter who you are. It’s just you and the mountain. Luckily, Edwards had a kindhearted guide and a well-planned expedition. But planning can only go so far when subjecting yourself and your team to the ruthless elements