The Foreign Service Journal, November 2014

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | NOVEMBER 2014 47 In Washington, Ambassador Sullivan worked on contro- versial policy issues. He chaired the Israel-Lebanon Monitor- ing Group, served as special Haiti coordinator and was also a diplomat-in-residence at Georgetown University and at Tulane University. While at Tulane, from 2003 to 2006, he coordi- nated international aspects of the U.S. response to Hurricane Katrina. Amb. Joseph Sullivan retired in 2008 as a career minister. He is the recipient of two Presidential Distinguished Service Awards and the editor of Embassies Under Siege: Personal Accounts by Diplomats on the Front Line (Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, 1995). A Conversation with Anne Dammarell Anne Dammarell, Xlibris, 2014, $15.99/paperback, $3.99/Kindle, 88 pages. On April 18, 1963, a truck loaded with 2,000 pounds of military-grade explosives drove into the front door of Embassy Beirut, killing 63 people, among them 17 Americans. The nascent Iranian-backed terrorist organization Hezbollah had begun its campaign against the United States, as USAID FSO Anne Dammarell would later recount in a paper for her master’s degree at Georgetown University. In this volume in the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training’s Diplomatic Oral History Series, Dammarell talks with ADST oral history interviewer Charles Stuart Kennedy about her life, her family and her experience in the Foreign Service, including her survival of the first suicide attack on an American embassy. Anne Dammarell was born on Jan. 2, 1938, in Cincinnati, Ohio. After college she worked for Proctor and Gamble before moving to Europe for two years. In 1965 she joined the U.S. Agency for International Development, serving in Lebanon, Sri Lanka and Washington, D.C., among other postings during a 23-year diplomatic career. After retiring in 1988, Dammarell taught English at the Coptic Catholic Seminar in Cairo for three years, and then in Washington, D.C., at the Sitar Center for the Arts and at the Sacred Heart School. She received her M.A. from Georgetown University in Middle East studies. More recently, she and her sister, Elizabeth, have been teaching Buddhist monks for three months a year at Wat Worachanyawat in Bangkok. Memoirs of an Agent for Change in International Development: My Flight Path into the 21st Century Ludwig Rudel, Arlington Hall Press, 2014, $17.95/paperback, $2.99/Kindle, 358 pages. In this memoir, a volume in the Associa- tion for Diplomatic Studies and Train- ing’s Memoirs and Occasional Papers Series, veteran FSO Ludwig “Lu” Rudel describes his experi- ences with U.S. foreign economic aid programs during some of the most dramatic international events in the postwar period. Rudel’s unique firsthand accounts—of Iran after the fall of Mohammad Mosaddegh (1959-1960), Turkey from the military coup of 1960 to the start of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, India after the death of Jawaharlal Nehru (1965-1970) and Pakistan following the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1988— offer many insights. He shares important lessons about the conduct and effec- tiveness of foreign aid derived from his experience in these and other major developments of the past half-century, such as the political metamorphosis of the Group of 77 nations. After retiring from the Foreign Service in 1980, Rudel launched a second career, applying what he’d learned from his work in international development to the creation of a 1,000- acre land development and resort in rural Appalachia. Finally, Rudel examines global trends of the past 80 years in four critical areas of change—population growth, science and technology, economic systems and political structures—and draws some surprising conclusions and projections. Ludwig Rudel, a Holocaust refugee, came to the United States in 1938. After serving for more than 25 years in the For- eign Service and U.S. military, he now lives in Flinton, Pa. He is the author of Foreign Aid: Will It Ever Reach Its Sunset? (Foreign Policy Association, 2005). Old Man on a Bicycle: A Ride Across America and How to Realize a More Enjoyable Old Age Don Petterson, Outskirts Press, 2014, $13.95, paperback, 227 pages. A solo bike ride across the United States at 70-plus years of age? You’ve got to be kid- ding! Retired FSO Don Petterson wasn’t. In May 2002, Petterson set out from his home in New Hampshire on a 3,600-mile journey of challenge