The Foreign Service Journal, November 2019

54 NOVEMBER 2019 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL A Good Time for a Visit Susan N. Stevenson East Berlin, German Democratic Republic I n November 1989, I was in my second year of work in the private sector and busy planning an international trip. American, French and Scottish friends would join my sister and me on a road trip through what was then Czechoslovakia and East Germany in January 1990. I remember quite well when the Berlin Wall fell on Nov. 9. We saw the images of hundreds of people crossing from the East into West Berlin, as well as the crowds along the wall. We also heard reports of the Velvet Revolution in Prague and the toppling of leaders there and in Romania. For a few days, we wondered about the wisdom of making our trip. Luckily, we realized the timing was actually fortuitous, as it would give us firsthand experience of a historic moment. We proceeded as planned, driving from Frankfurt to Prague and then to East Berlin. When we arrived at the Brandenburg Gate in January 1990, we were amazed to find young people sitting on top of the wall, busily hammering away at it. The soundtrack of that trip was the metallic “tap tap tap” of hammers against the concrete to bring down a hated symbol of division and suppres- sion. What mere months before could have gotten them shot— climbing the wall, crossing into the West—was now a joyous moment of community. I remember sharing a bottle of Russian champagne with two young East Germans on their first-ever trip to West Berlin. They were delighted to meet our international group. They were par- ticularly happy to meet my sister Barbara, who at the time worked for Disney World in Florida, seemingly embodying the American dream. My Foreign Service career was still a few years away, but my interest in international connections was already strong. We managed to bring back a souvenir: a piece of the wall, which my sister framed. Susan N. Stevenson was working in the private sector in 1989. She joined the Foreign Service in 1992, and is now serving as ambassador to the Republic of Equatorial Guinea. The author near a section of the Berlin Wall in January 1990. COURTESYOFSUSANSTEVENSON The view into East Berlin from Checkpoint Charlie in January 1990. COURTESYOFSUSANSTEVENSON