The Foreign Service Journal, December 2003 ) , ApplyWeb ( w ww.ap pl ), or T he College Board ( w ). Even if you don’t apply to college online, these sites are ready sources of useful information. They all include some type of college search to help you find schools that have what you’re looking for. If you can, use the common application. These days it isn’t unusual for students to apply to half a dozen or more schools, which can mean a lot of paperwork. The com- mon application is a way to apply to more schools without having to fill out more forms. It is accepted by 230 pri- vate schools, including Harvard and Yale. The forms are available by mail and online for download or online submission ( w ). Who doesn’t want free money for college? is the Web site for scholarships. It is primarily a schol- arship match-up service, but also has a college search feature. It helps you create a student profile with informa- tion about your background, family (there’s even an option for parents in the Foreign Service), hobbies, and aca- demic achievements. Then, based on your profile, the service selects scholar- ships for which you qualify. It gives you information on how to apply for each award and notification as dead- lines approach. The closely related FinAid ( w ) has infor- mation on all types of financial aid and helpful explanations of the financial aid process. The advertisements are a lit- tle annoying, but the information on the site is well worth it. ■ — Aster Grahn, Editorial Intern C Y B E R N O T E S 14 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 3 50 Years Ago... By making available to succeeding administrations a trained, permanent corps of men and women who have acquired professional skills and insights over the years not easily or quickly learned … the Foreign Service per se represents a fundamental economy in the field of foreign affairs — a field in which the national risks are so high in both blood and treasure. — Editorial: “Economy and the Foreign Service,” FSJ , December 1953. HelenWeinland’s memoir of her twenty years in the Foreign Service • Stories about her posts in Central Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa • Descriptions of Foreign Service life • Reflections — good and bad — on the Department of State Order from1st Books Library for $13.25, 1 (888) 280-7715 Available for $15.95 through bookstores and on-line booksellers. ISBN 1-4140-0182-7 Interim Accommodations for Corporate and Government Markets Apartments, Townhouses & Single Family Homes “FOR THE EXECUTIVE ON THE MOVE” ❈ fi Locations throughout Northern Virginia and D.C. Units fully furnished, equipped and accessorized Many “Walk to Metro” locations Pet Friendly 5105-L Backlick Road, Annandale, Virginia Tel: (703) 354-4070 Fax: (703) 642-3619 Executive Lodging Alternatives