The Foreign Service Journal, December 2004

D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 4 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 37 F O C U S O N M E D I C A L D I P L O M A C Y A N E XCURSION OF H OPE : F IGHTING HIV/AIDS he 850-kilometer stretch of road between Addis Ababa and the port of Djibouti, nes- tled among magnificent highlands and plains, is home to wonderful historical sites, especially the holy city of Harar and the ancient tree of Afar under which humanity was born. Camels saunter gracefully on either side of the dusty sweep of baked and seemingly endless graveled roads. This is a land filled with cultural richness, diversity and nuances and vast expanses of stunning vistas. But the extensive sweep of corridor is also home to thousands of people who are affected by or already T USAID’ S H IGH -R ISK C ORRIDOR I NITIATIVE PROGRAM OPERATES ALONG A 850- KILOMETER STRETCH OF HIGHWAY IN E THIOPIA AND D JIBOUTI . B Y J EFFREY A SHLEY Roy Scott