The Foreign Service Journal, December 2005

Aldrich Ames spy case (among others) have destroyed careers and make recruiting new CIA officers other than “white bread” U.S. citizens sur- prisingly difficult. Deception and Denial suffers from some semi-ritualistic feminist laments over “glass ceilings” and scattered “look at me” black redac- tions of text deleted at the last minute by the CIA. Still, this is a solid piece of analysis that should be particularly interesting for those who think that bureaucratic life is uniquely convoluted at State and that diplomats are alone in their pro- fessional travails. Retired Senior Foreign Service officer David T. Jones is a frequent contribu- tor to the Journal . From Hubris to Leadership The Opportunity: America’s Moment to Alter History’s Course Richard N. Haass, Public Affairs (Perseus Books Group), 2005, $25.00, hardcover, 242 pages. R EVIEWED BY B ILL H ARROP This thoughtful, slim volume lays out a new American foreign policy for the 21st century, much different from that of President George W. Bush. A better organized and more coherent opposition political party than we now have in this country might incorporate these recommen- dations into its platform. Haass develops the multilateral, consultative, essentially liberal Ameri- can leadership approach many com- mentators (e.g., Zbigniew Brzezinski and Joseph Nye) assert is required to address the challenges of the current era, which simply do not lend them- selves to unilateral or military solu- tions. He coins the term “integration” for bringing together the rest of the world, forming coalitions, exerting quiet and consistent American leader- ship, and setting aside excessive notions of nationalism, pre-emption, military solutions and unilateral power. Although he strives for a nonpar- tisan tone, as befits a president of the Council on Foreign Relations, Haass puts down, both explicitly and implicitly, the policies and style of 62 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 5 B O O K S u