The Foreign Service Journal, December 2005

86 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 5 S CHOOLS S UPPLEMENT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL CONTINUED Purnell School 83 110 All girls 85 10 9-12 Y Y 35 Y Y N 34,725 Salem Academy and 65 200 All girls 52 6 9-12 Y N 20 N Y/N Y 24,600 College Sandy Spring Friends 95 547 49/51 17 12 PK-12 Y Limited 25 Y Y N 25,100- School 30,680 St. Timothy’s School 96 132 All girls 55 22 9-12, PG Y N 19 Y Y N 34,500 Storm King School 72 135 66/34 60 24 7-12 Y Y 90 Y Y N 31,600 DISTANCE LEARNING/HOMESCHOOLING University of Missouri 66 Independent study: 3-12, PG, accredited HS diploma. 21,000 (at Columbia) Go to: for more information MILITARY SCHOOLS Valley Forge Military 87 600 All boys 100 12 7-12, PG Y N 15 Y Y N 28,550 Academy SPECIAL NEEDS SCHOOLS Frederic L. Chamberlain 71 112 61/39 82 2 6-12, PG N Y 50 Y N Y 116,226 School Gow School 73 143 All boys 100 20 7-12, PG N Y 20 Y Y N 41,900 Riverview School 70 182 50/50 100 Limited 7-12, PG N Y 75 Y N N 55,643 OVERSEAS SCHOOLS Leysin American School 87 350 54/46 100 65 9-12, PG Y Limited 75 Y Y N 33,000 in Switzerland Marymount 66 800 49/51 NA 50 PK-12 N Limited 15 Y N N 19,285 International School St. Stephens School 76 211 45/55 16 63 9-12, PG N N 12 NA Y N 31,177* Prem Tinsulanonda 67 431 53/47 24 70 K-12 N N 15 N Y N 9,000 International School OTHER AAFSW (Associates 79 Bringing the FS community together to promote a better quality of life. Go to of the American Foreign Service Worldwide) FSYF (Foreign Service 82 Assists Foreign Service Youth by coordination development programs. Go to Youth Foundation) ISS (International 81 Go to Schools Services) Notes: NA - Not Applicable. ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder. LD - Learning Disability. * Euro 26,500 – USD equivalent based on the November 2005 exchange rate. S c hoo l s a t a G l an c e Go to our Web page at an d click on the Marketplace tab for more information. School Name Enrollment Gender Distribution, M/F Percent Boarding Percent International Levels Offered Common Application Miles to Int’l Airport Dorms w/E-mail, phones Holiday Break Coverage Accepts/Offers ADD and LD Int’l Students Orientation Advertisement Page No. Annual Tuition, Room & Board (USD)