The Foreign Service Journal, December 2006

D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 6 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 105 S CHOOLS S UPPLEMENT The official Web site of the International Baccalaureate Organization — your first stop for information from the source. You can find a list of all IBO World Schools on this site, learn which colleges give credit for IB courses and gather information for setting up the IB program in your school. wp-dyn/content/custom/2005/12/14/ CU2005121401454.html The “ Washington Post Challenge Index” rates Washington, D.C.-area schools based on how challenging the curriculum is, including IB and AP courses. calcfreak901/ib.html A little unofficial IB-related humor. rsrcs/pubs/1992.htm The Family Liaison Office’s online list- ing (with active links) of Washington, D.C.-area high schools that offer the IB diploma. html This article by Washington Post writer Jay Mathews describes how colleges are biased, giving more AP credit than IB credit. List of Mid-Atlantic region IB schools “So you’ve sold your soul to the International Baccalaureate Program ... what’s next?” A great site where kids doing the full IB diploma can let off steam and bond with other stressed-out souls. Books: Jay Mathews and Ian Hill, Supertest: How the International Baccalaureate Can Strengthen Our Schools (Open Court Publishing, 2005). A.D.C. Peterson, Schools Across Borders: The Story of the International Baccalaureate and the United World Colleges (Open Court Publishing, 1991). Tim Pound, The International Baccalaureate (RoutledgeFalmer, 2005). The IB: Resources