The Foreign Service Journal, December 2006

64 F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L / DE C EMB E R 2 0 0 6 the interests of theUnitedStates, in the tra- dition of the late Avis Bohlen. TheAvisBohlenAwardwas established in 1982 by the late Pamela Harriman to honor family members of Foreign Service employees. Avis Bohlen was the wife of Amb- assador Charles E. Boh- len, and the Bohlens and Harrimans were close friends for many years. Mrs. Bohlenwas known forher con- cern for the American staff at posts as well as for charitableworks directed at the local community. WhilePamelaHarrimanwas alive, shepersonally funded this awardeach year and,whenever possible,wouldpresent it inpersonat the annual AFSAawards cer- emony. After her death, the Mary W. Harriman Foundation, which also funds the Harriman Constructive Dissent Award, agreed to take over the funding of the Avis BohlenAward as well. Every year since 1983, a familymember of a Foreign Service employee has been honored with the award, except for last year, when we received not one nomination. Please help us continue this tradition of honoring FS familymembers by sending a nomination to AFSA. The M. Juanita Guess Award was first given in1995. Clements&Co. established it to honor community liaison officers for their valuable work assisting Foreign Servicemembers, their families and the local embassy community with a multitude of issues regarding relocation and living overseas. Their efforts have contributed dramatically to improving the lives of Foreign Service communities worldwide, and AFSA is proud to recognize their achievements. The work of the commu- nity liaison officer has becomemoremul- tifaceted and complex during these turbu- lent and dangerous times, butmany posts continue tomaintain a highmorale and a strong senseof communitydue in largepart to the outstanding work of CLOs world- wide. TheDelavanAwardwas established in 1990 to recognize the enormous contribu- tions of officemanagement specialists, both overseas and in the Department of State. Aswith the jobof theCLO, in recent years the work of the OMS has become more complex and amuchmore integratedpart of the embassy work- force. The OMS often works long hours for demanding bosses, and rarely receives apprecia- tion and acknowledg- ment. The Delavan Awardserves tohighlight the recognition this group deserves. Nomination Procedures Thenomination should include the fol- lowing: Part I — The name of the award for which the person is being nominated; the nominee’s name, grade, agency and posi- tion. (For the BohlenAward, also include the family relationship.) Part II—Thenominator’sname, grade, agency and position, and a description of the association with the nominee. Part III—The justification for thenom- ination. This narrative should discuss the actions andqualitieswhich the nominator believes qualify thenominee for the award, giving specific examples of accomplish- ments that fulfill the criteria stated above. Part III should not exceed 700 words. All winners receive a monetary award of $2,500 and a framed certificate, and are honored at a ceremony in late June at the State Department’s Benjamin Franklin Diplomatic Reception Room. The Secretary of State is invited to participate in the ceremony. Further details on nomination proce- dures, additional guidelines and a nom- ination form can be found on the AFSA Web site at . From there, you can also link to articles about the AFSA awards and find a com- prehensive listing of past award winners. Questions shouldbedirected toBarbara Berger, Coordinator forProfessional Issues, by e-mail:; telephone: (202) 338-4045, ext. 521; or fax: (202) 338- 8244. Thedeadline for submittingall nom- inations is Feb. 28, 2007. A F S A N E W S AFSA NEWS BRIEFS Final Reminder: Support AFSA with Your CFC Contribution Don’t forget to make your Combin- ed Federal Campaign pledge to sup- port AFSA in 2007. When you select which worthy organizations to sup- port, please consider an AFSA fund: • (#2422) TheAFSA Scholarship Fund provides scholarship money to Foreign Service children to help pay for their college education. • (#2460) The Fund forAmerican Diplomacy educates the public on the critical role of U.S. diplomacy in the world. Through grassroots education programs we show how the Foreign Service helps America’s national security and economic prosperity. For more information contact Lori Dec at or 1 (800) 704-2372, ext 504. Let AFSA Help Fund Your Child’s College Education High school seniors and college under- graduates of Foreign Service employees (active-duty, retired and deceased) are eligible to apply for one-time-only AFSA Academic/Art Merit Awards and renew- able need-based AFSA Financial Aid Scholarships. Awards range from $1,500 to $3,000. The submission deadline is Feb. 6, 2007. Visit AFSA’s Scholarship Program Web page at for complete details or contact Lori Dec at , (202) 944-5504 or 1 (800) 704-2372, ext. 504 (toll free). Parents and students can also visit free, online scholarship search engines such as , , www.srnexp and . Performance Awards • Continued from page 59 Please help us continue this tradition of honoring FS family members by sending a nomination to AFSA. JOSH