The Foreign Service Journal, December 2009

J O U R N A L OREIGN ERVICE S F P RESIDENT ’ S V IEWS / 5 Mind the Gap: Addressing Foreign Service Readiness By Susan R. Johnson S PEAKING O UT / 12 Restore State’s Office of Public Communications By Alexis Ludwig FS K NOW -H OW / 15 Effective Networking for Diplomats — Introverts or Not By Ruth M. Schimel L ETTER FROM THE E DITOR / 18 By Steven Alan Honley R EFLECTIONS / 100 A Day at the Races By Ginny Young L ETTERS / 7 C YBERNOTES / 9 B OOKS / 63 I NDEX TO A DVERTISERS / 98 Cover and inside illustrations by Adam Niklewicz F O C U S O N A r m s C o n t r o l O RGANIZING FOR A RMS C ONTROL : 1945-2009 / 21 Preventing the use of nuclear weapons remains the urgent priority it has been from the dawn of the atomic age. By Pierce S. Corden A N UCLEAR R EDUCTIONS P RIMER / 29 The Obama administration is focusing on three major arms control agreements. This is what you need to know about them. By Sally K. Horn T HE I MPORTANCE OF V ERIFICATION / 37 No arms control agreement can succeed unless each party is satisfied with the others’ compliance. By Paula A. DeSutter T HE C ASE FOR THE CTBT / 43 Prospects for ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty are much improved. Here is why. By Daryl G. Kimball F E A T U R E M Y P RAGUE S ECRET P OLICE F ILE / 48 A 30-year-old file brings to life a bygone era of dreary tension and gives one retired FSO an unusual perspective on his career. By Frederick Quinn S C H O O L S S U P P L E M E N T C OMMUNITY C OLLEGES : T IME TO T AKE A NOTHER L OOK ? / 65 The nation’s community college system has become the launching pad to professional careers and advanced education for more than half of all college students. By Rebecca Grappo S CHOOLS AT A G LANCE / 81 Essential data on educational choices. FLO P ROFESSIONAL D EVELOPMENT F ELLOWSHIPS / 86 T HE ABC S OF E DUCATION A LLOWANCES / 90 2009 C OLLEGE R ANKINGS : S ERVING THE N ATION / 96 D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 9 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 3 C ONTENTS December 2009 Volume 86, No. 12