The Foreign Service Journal, December 2009

78 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 9 S CHOOLS S UPPLEMENT or CalState system, either. Budget cuts have made it difficult to get into classes because fewer sections are offered or the sections that are offered are filled to maximum capa- city. The increasing numbers of stu- dents — as much as 20 percent more than the previous year in some sys- tems — have also left many schools scrambling to find space for addition- al classes. This has led to alternative scheduling: e.g., dawn to late night or seven days a week. In the Boston area’s largest com- munity college, Bunker Hill Com- munity College, midnight classes are now being offered to handle the influx of students. The need for more class- es has also put pressure on administra- tors to find qualified faculty. If such an instructor can’t be found, the class cannot be offered. California and Boston are not the only systems that are stressed from increased enrollment and budget crises. According to Newsday re- porter Karla Schuster, Miami-Dade — one of the nation’s largest commu- nity college systems, with 164,000 stu- dents at eight campuses around the Greater Miami area — may have to turn away 5,000 students this year. Colorado forecasts budget shortfalls of up to 10 percent for higher educa- tion. Maryland is reducing spending Community colleges are often known for good teaching. Additional Resources: — provides a list of what courses do and don’t transfer — Community College Survey for Student Engagement — American Association of Community Colleges www.usatoday.comnews/education/200 8-11-16-CCSSE_N.htm — community colleges opt to participate in survey of programs, special offerings and student engagement index.html — details transfer requirements to the University of Virginia under articulation agreements with state community colleges Community College Transfer Guide by Don Silver ( ) Continued on page 85