The Foreign Service Journal, December 2009

94 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 9 S CHOOLS S UPPLEMENT FROM THE DECEMBER 2008 SCHOOLS SUPPLEMENT Rebecca Grappo, “Building Resiliency in Global Nomads” A Guide to Negotiating the Transitions of Foreign Service Life “ I f one can generalize about Third Culture Kids, they have experienced life overseas, outside of their home cultures and comfort zones, and feel that their lives have been enriched by the many diverse experiences they have had. Most of these young people understand that they now possess a three-dimensional world view, and have become more flexi- ble in their thinking as a result of the many transitions they have made. “Despite the many advantages that come from growing up overseas, many TCKs wonder where they belong, and don’t understand why they feel so different from their peers when they return to the country of their passport. Defining “home” is a challenge. It may be everywhere and nowhere. In addi- tion to feelings of confusion about the sense of belonging and finding and keeping friends, there are the feelings of loss and sadness that accompany moves. “The goal is to guide our families through the transitions in a way that enhances each member’s resiliency.”