The Foreign Service Journal, December 2011

76 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 1 S CHOOLS S UPPLEMENT SAT/ACT Testing Dates 2012 SAT (register online at Jan. 28 — register by Dec. 30 (March 10 — not offered over- seas; register by Feb. 10) May 5 — register by April 6) June 2 — (register by May 8) Please note that in some countries, you must register for an SAT test date — about 10 days earlier than the above registration dates — through an international representa- tive. Check the College Board Web site for more details. ACT (register online at February 11 (without the writing component) — register by Jan. 13 April 14 — register by March 9 June 9 — register by May 4 Only some of the ACT test dates offer an optional writing test. Whether you take this test or not depends on the requirements of the colleges you are interested in. If you are a good writer, it’s advisable to take the ACT that offers the writing test. Please note that the ACT is not offered on all dates in all countries. Plan well ahead of time!