The Foreign Service Journal, December 2012
10 DECEMBER 2012 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL LETTERS Defending the Foreign Service Congratulations to AFSA Presi- dent Susan Johnson on using her latest column (“Diplomatic Capacity Needs Professional Institutional Leadership,” October President’s Views) to illuminate a pressing problem: the increasing politicization of the institu- tional leadership of the State Department and Foreign Service. Ms. Johnson is absolutely correct that senior political leaders need the sound, candid and experienced advice on foreign policy that only comes from a strong, professional diplomatic service. Such advice will not come from their fel- low partisans. The American Academy of Diplomacy has just published its latest analysis of the personnel situation in the foreign affairs agencies, “Diplomacy in a Time of Scarcity.” In our research we came upon indications of very troubling trends in the State Department’s administration of its Civil Service system. First, during Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s tenure, Diplomacy 3.0 established more additional General Ser- vice positions (1,500) than either Foreign Service officer (1,200) or Foreign Service specialist (800) positions. Are GS personnel—who are not available for worldwide service, do not compete for promotions, and are not subject to selection out for time-in-class or poor performance—increasingly occu- pying positions formerly filled by Foreign Service personnel? If so, what will be the long-term impact on Foreign Service promotions and assignments? Are we headed for a Washington-field bifurcation, similar to the situation that led to “Wristonization” a half-century ago? Even more omi- nous is the apparent blurring of the line between Schedule C political appointments and the Civil Service. Since (as I understand the situation) there is no longer a Civil Service examination, GS appointments are made by matching job descriptions with sub- mitted curricula vitae. How difficult is it under those circum- stances to write a job description that can only be filled by a deserving party mem- ber, or the son or daughter of the college roommate of a 7th-floor principal? Is our distinguished Civil Service component becoming a venue for political stay- behinds and cronies? I do not have the data to answer these questions. I also understand that even raising them will elicit accusations of violating a code of bureaucratic political correctness, and prejudice against Civil Service colleagues. But these matters are simply too important and potentially damaging to the principle and practice of a career Foreign Service to be ignored. I am sure that many other AFSA members are prepared to support efforts to address these critical issues. President Johnson’s column on the politicization of the Foreign Service is a worthy opening salvo in a necessary discussion. Tom Boyatt Ambassador, retired Great Falls, Va . The Promotion “System” I have an issue with the promotion system at State. How many of you have heard this: “Promotions are based on potential, not on performance at grade,” or something similar? Since joining State as an FP-8 in 1985, I have heard that at least 25 times, if not more. Until I reached the FP-2 level, my average time-in-grade lasted 2.16 years. But now I have been an FP-2 for 14 years! Going by last year’s statistics, the aver- age time-in-service and time-in-grade in my skill code were 19.6 and 5.6 years, respectively. To be considered for promotion, we are frequently told, we must take owner- ship of our evaluations, ensure examples are solid and represent potential, and take on additional duties (e.g., serve on Employee Evaluation Report review panels and post housing boards, support recruitment efforts). I have done all these things. Nor are there any black marks on my personnel jacket. Over the past 26 years I have been nominated for the Thomas Morrison Information Management Award three times, earned three Superior and five Meritorious Honor awards, and received two Franklin Awards. I also received a medal from the President’s Council on Y2K for my performance as a Y2K coor- dinator. In addition, I’ve served in an FP-1 position, garnering evaluations attest- ing to successes. If performing well in a stretch position is not a sign of potential, I don’t know what the termmeans. I have also served successfully at several posts as the acting management counselor. I have watched, with some measure of pride, employee after employee who reported to me being promoted to FP-1. They are all excellent employees, and I am proud to say I had something to do with their success. However, it also makes me question my worth to the department and the promotion system. For those who made it, congratula- tions again. For those who suffer quietly as I have for the past few years, I recom- mend you exorcise your internal demons,
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