The Foreign Service Journal, December 2012
THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | DECEMBER 2012 49 WOMEN IN SECURITY AND DEVELOPMENT FOCUS AFSA NEWS CALENDAR 12/5/2012 12:00 - 2:00 PM AFSA Governing Board Meeting 12/7/2012 1:00 - 2:30 PM Symposium: 25th Anniversary of the INF Treaty 12/25/2012 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Christmas: AFSA Offices Closed 1/1/2013 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM New Year’s Day: AFSA Offices Closed 1/9/2013 12:00 - 2:00 PM AFSA Governing Board Meeting 1/21/2013 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM MLK/Inauguration Day: AFSA Offices Closed 2/6/2013 12:00 - 2:00 PM AFSA Governing Board Meeting 2/11 - 2/13/2013 8th Annual Conflict Prevention, Peacekeeping & Stability Conference 2/18/2013 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Presidents Day: AFSA Office Closed THE OFFICIAL R CORD OF THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION AFSA Governing Board 2013-2015 Position Openings: An Opportunity to Contribute to a Stronger Foreign Service Do you want to represent your colleagues, contribute to a stronger Foreign Service and ensure its voice is heard on the Hill and around the country? Does participating in the management and mod- ernization of a multi-million dollar organization with a large staff and real impact in Washington interest you? If so, consider joining the next AFSA leadership team by running for a position on the 2013-2015 AFSA Govern- ing Board. Please look at the posi- tions available and consider putting your name forward or nominating a colleague. This election is for the Board that will take office July 15, 2013, and serve for two years. Below are instructions on how to run and be nominated for the 2013-2015 AFSA Gov- erning Board. IMPORTANT DATES : Feb. 1 —Deadline for Nomina- tions April 15 —Ballots and Candi- date Statements Mailed June 6 —Ballots Counted July 15 —New Board Takes Office AFSA CAL L FOR NOMI NAT I ONS This election call, issued in accordance with Article VII (2)(a) of the AFSA bylaws, constitutes a formal notice to all AFSA members of the opportunity to participate in the nomination and election of a new Governing Board. All of the officer and representa- tive positions listed below are for two-year terms beginning July 15, 2013. POS I T I ONS TO BE F I L LED : AFSA bylaws require that all Governing Board mem- bers must be resident in the Washington area within 60 days of taking office on July 15 and must remain resident in the Washington area throughout their term in office. The officer positions to be filled in this election are: • President • Vice President for State • Vice President for USAID • Vice President for FCS • Vice President for FAS • Vice President for Retirees • Secretary • Treasurer The president and State, USAID, FCS and FAS vice presidents are full-time posi- tions detailed to AFSA. These employees are assigned over complement and are eligible for time-in class extensions. Article V (4)(b) of the AFSA bylaws authorizes a constitu- ency vice president for each constituency with a minimum of 100 members and one constituency representa- tive position for every 1,000 members or fraction thereof. Representatives are required to attend monthly lunchtime board meetings and may vol- unteer to serve on additional committees. CONST I TUENCY REPRESENTAT I VE POS I T I ONS : To be filled in this election are: • State Department Repre- sentatives (11 positions) • USAID Representatives (two positions) • FCS Representative (one position) • FAS Representative (one position) • IBB Representative (one position) • APHIS Representative (one position) • Retired Member Repre- sentatives (four positions) NOMI NAT I ON PROCEDURES : 1. Any AFSA regular member in good standing (i.e., a member whose dues are automatically deducted or who has paid dues as of February 1, 2013) may submit names (including his or her own name) in nomination for any of the above-mentioned positions for which the nominee is eligible. No member may nominate more than one person for each officer position or more than the Board, Continued on Page 57
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