The Foreign Service Journal, December 2013

80 DECEMBER 2013 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL EDUCATION SUPPLEMENT ■ What is the cost of the evaluation? ■ Do you participate in insurance? Some evaluators participate fully in insurance; some are out-of-network pro- viders and will complete paperwork to assist you in trying to obtain reimburse- ment; and others will have nothing to do with insurance. ■ Howmuch time will be spent on the evaluation of my child, and what is your rationale for spending that amount of time? Some evaluators spend several hours, while others spend several days. ■ What is included in the evaluation? ■ How long will it take to have com- pleted results and a completed report? ■ Will I receive a copy of the report? Some evaluators charge an additional fee for a complete evaluation report. ■ What will be included in the report? Some reports will be a simple review of evaluation results, while oth- ers will also contain recommendations based on those results. Examiners also gain a great deal of information from how children approach and solve problems.