The Foreign Service Journal, December 2014

80 DECEMBER 2014 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL EDUCATION SUPPLEMENT N ews of an overseas posting brings much excitement and planning for a diplo- matic family. When children are part of the equation, a discussion about educa- tional options invariably begins: What are the schools like in our new country? What about college placement? How safe will life be for my child in our new post? Will my child be comfortable in his or her new environment? Are we ready, as a family, to consider other educational options? Continuity and social stability for teens in the family is often a major concern, one that drives lots of dinner- time discussion. “Another move? You’re kidding me, right?” one student recalls exclaiming to his parents at news of an upcoming post change. “It was just too much,” he added. “I really felt divided. Living abroad was appealing, but at the same time, I wanted to stay stateside.” For this student, the discussion had Have You Considered Boarding School? The boarding school option has much to o er Foreign Service kids. BY LAWRENCE J ENSEN Lawrence Jensen is director of admission at Christchurch School in Saluda, Virginia. less to do with the excitement of going abroad with his family, than it did with his ability to maintain a measure of constancy in his life. Like many other children with parents working abroad, this student chose an American boarding school. An International Atmosphere e Association of Boarding Schools lists tens of thousands of students in member schools, most of them in the United States. Nearly half of the board- ing students in these schools are from countries outside the U.S., and many of the students who carry American pass- ports are the children of parents working abroad. e international “feel” of a board- ing school campus o ers a measure of familiarity to diplomatic dependents, because their worldviews give them the ability to adapt to their new surroundings quickly and easily, and to make friends anywhere. A senior prefect at his Virginia board- ing school, Alex Moreno feels that his international experiences have helped him to understand the angst of being the new kid in school: “I know that adjusting to new surroundings is sometimes not easy for some kids, and I like to reach out and use what I’ve learned about settling in. Living in di erent cultures has helped me to be open-minded and exible.” Student Max Monical has had a simi- lar experience. Because many cultures and nationalities can be found on a single dormitory hall, Max believes, “anyone can t in. I tend to try to bring di erent cliques together as much as I can. I feel safe and con dent, because the teachers encourage us to pursue our interests.” Max’s sister Samantha led the way to boarding school, arriving a year ahead of him. When it was his turn, he con- fesses to having had some reservations about boarding school life: “To be frank, I dreaded the idea, because I thought it would be strict and that I would have no freedom. I couldn’t wait to get back to school this year.” Continued on p. 84