The Foreign Service Journal, December 2019

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | DECEMBER 2019 87 Subletting can be the cheapest hous- ing option. If you have specific needs though—your own bedroom and bath- room, a short commute, easy access to a gym—then the cost of subletting can be high. Living outside the city can reduce the cost of living, but for both of my D.C. internships, I stayed in the city: there’s so much to enjoy, and I have no regrets about paying a higher rent than interns who commuted from the surrounding areas. Corporate housing may be the solution if you don’t want the hassle of hauling furniture, bedding and kitchen supplies. But it can be costly. Read the contract carefully: dates are set in advance, so if you only need two months out of a four-month minimum stay, you’re still paying the full amount. On the Job Add to your skill set. You’re intern- ing to learn new skills and make your- self more marketable. Compile a list of accomplishments during your tenure, including events you attended and proj- ects you completed. Add these to your résumé or LinkedIn account. When you need a letter of reference, send your list to your internship supervisor who can easily write you a letter. Do the work. Work ethic determines reputation, so fulfill your duties scrupu- lously. Every action has the potential to shape letters of recommendation and the possibility of future references. Be proactive and show initiative. Build relationships. Check in with your boss and colleagues during the week. Consider emailing a daily list of what you’re working on: this shows initiative. When you form relationships, it’s much easier to ask for favors, such as requesting to work on a special project or an afternoon off to network. Network. Make connections with people in your line of work and in related fields. When job hunting after graduation, you will have somebody to call and ask for help. Start with Linke- dIn. Using the website’s filters, you can find your university’s alumni in your field and in the D.C. area. Contact them, pointing out the alma mater connec- tion. (You can also reach out to them when looking for an internship.)