The Foreign Service Journal, December 2020

44 DECEMBER 2020 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL States in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. But Jennifer worked her magic,” Consul General Robert Silberstein wrote in nominating Ms. Mauldin for the M. Juanita Guess Award. “I am honored and humbled to be selected for this award, but know that I am only one of many CLOs around the world working to strengthen their communities in difficult times,” Ms. Mauldin tells the Journal . “The Karachi community is so special. People are living for a year or two without their families, so developing a network of support, empathy and shared experiences is so important.” Ms. Mauldin provided comfort and counseling for the consulate’s American staff. She launched virtual weekly meet- ings with staffers, and used the platform to share updates on COVID-19 and new department guidelines. These virtual meet- ings were an opportunity for the community to express their feelings and share concerns. Ms. Mauldin regularly wrote personal notes to every employee on authorized departure, checking on their health and welfare. She extended a helping hand to local employees, as well, assisting the consul general craft weekly messages to them and organizing a virtual town hall with post leadership and the Embassy Islamabad social worker. More than 100 local employees participated. Americans remaining at post also struggled. Ms. Mauldin maintained community spirit by organizing virtual hail-and- farewell celebrations, connecting Karachi-based employees with those on authorized departure and organizing biweekly grocery orders and food deliveries from top restaurants. She also volunteered to support the evacuation of American citizens, making hours of phone calls to American citizens who had registered to depart Pakistan and traveling to the airport to help process the roughly 1,000 American citizens the consul- ate facilitated on four U.S. government–chartered flights out of Karachi in April. “Ms. Mauldin’s dedication and genuine care for each mem- ber of our consulate community is evident in all she does,” says CG Silberstein. “Her creativity, positive spirit and willingness to try new things—even during the most adverse circumstances— sets her far apart from all others and makes her worthy to be recognized as the Community Liaison Officer of the Year.” Ms. Mauldin arrived in Karachi in the summer of 2018 and spent two years serving as CLO for the high-threat post in a city of more than 20 million. Given the security limitations and movement restrictions, she had to find creative ways for the community to experience Pakistan. Whether bringing a wedding ceremony onto the consulate property or coordinating consis- tent volunteer opportunities with local orphanages, Ms. Mauldin had the pulse of the community. During the summer of 2019, a series of equal employment oppor- tunity (EEO) crises rocked the post at the same time as many newcomers, serving for the first time in a high- threat post, experienced culture shock. “Jennifer was by my side as we navigated this threat to post resil- ience and effectiveness,” CG Silber- stein says. “Together, we developed a new initiative called ‘Better, Safer, Stronger,’ that went beyond address- ing EEO issues. We took a hard look at our alcohol policies, gender balance at events and SOPs for how we onboard new staff.” The result was stronger morale and higher productivity. Adds Silberstein: “She cares deeply about the community and acted as my unofficial DCM and adviser, in addition to doing all ‘CLO things’ extremely well.” Consulate staff report that during her tenure Ms. Mauldin was at the heart of many important mission successes, among them the 2020 U.S. Independence Day celebration, a 600-person event held in February to avoid the intense July heat. Ms. Mauldin has spent 15 years as a Foreign Service fam- ily member traveling with her husband, Jimmy Mauldin, an economic-coned officer currently studying at the National Defense University Eisenhower School, and their four children. She served as CLO in Chennai, Rabat and New Delhi. She is now back in the United States working as a special assistant in the Office of the Inspector General. Jennifer Mauldin. Jennifer Mauldin assists American citizens leaving Karachi on a U.S. government–chartered repatriation flight during the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020.