The Foreign Service Journal, December 2021

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | DECEMBER 2021 37 about her approach was her focus on organizing closer collabo- ration between parents and the school administration. “I approached this more as a job than as a volunteer position,” Ms. Lawrence says of her work. “We established a strong partner- ship with the school administration and the board of trustees, in close communication with the embassy CLO [community liaison office coordinator]. We relied on each other to find creative, pragmatic ways for our community to thrive and shared the idea that we are one big family with the same desire: the best experi- ence for our children despite the pandemic. Together, we chose action over fear.” The wisdom of this approach was thrown into sharp relief at the height of the pandemic in 2020, when the U.S. embassy facili- tated more than 50 American staff family transitions into Cairo. Ms. Lawrence seized the opportunity to strengthen the commu- nications that PTO managed. Under her leadership, a new plan took advantage of all media platforms, weaving them together into a seamless social media communication strategy to reach hundreds of families frommore than 50 countries. As the PTO president, Ms. Lawrence orchestrated a COVID- safe welcome and orientation seminar for families joining the school, giving newly arrived mission families a guidebook to the neighborhood, as well as a chance to meet others when the embassy was not able to hold in-person events. Ms. Lawrence also personally reached out to new families, speaking with each individually and helping them feel accepted and less anxious. As CLOMargaret Friar reported: “Ivana is a natural community builder, and she has definitely made our mission and the CAC school environment for families better in Cairo.” Despite the school’s elaborate social distancing strategy and hygiene training, many incoming parents still felt uncertain about in-person learning at the beginning of the school year. Ms. Lawrence took the lead in encouraging CAC’s head of school to participate in two Q&A sessions for parents. These virtual events quickly exceeded attendance capacity, prompting Ms. Law- rence’s team to create a transcript and circulate it throughout the community. With their concerns addressed, parents overwhelm- ingly supported the reopening plan. Most memorable about Ms. Lawrence’s innovative approach was her creation of “CAC Talks,” a series of virtual community Ivana Lawrence (at left) and Carmen Allison, president of the CAC Booster Club, sell calendars at a fundraiser to benefit the PTO.