The Foreign Service Journal, December 2022
84 DECEMBER 2022 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL EDUCATION SUPPLEMENT Mental Health Lifelines In case of emergencies when university students may feel overwhelmed, unsafe, or capa- ble of harming themselves or others, many campuses post widely about a national suicide prevention hotline that they can text 988 or call (800) 273-8255. For other mental health resources, visit Mental Health America, Life on Campus ( LifeonCampus-MHA) , and National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI), Mental Health in College ( College-NAMI) . Establish and Agree on Action Plans Ask your teen about their worries for college and that transition. Brainstorm an approach plan together about how to deal with the anxieties college life can cause. One of the most intimidating parts of the college transition for TCKs is the need to build a new support system. Help your teen to identify and con- nect with safe adults they can turn to—either on campus or nearby. If there is a weather emergency that requires campus evacuation or a reason for resi- dence hall closures, your teen will have a person to call and stay with in the local community. Further, it’s important to discuss where your teen will go during semes- ter holiday breaks such as Thanksgiv- ing break or spring break, especially if
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