The Foreign Service Journal, December 2024

94 DECEMBER 2024 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL BY NATHAN TIDWELL n MOUNT KILIMANJARO, TANZANIA Please submit your favorite, recent photograph to be considered for Local Lens. Images must be high resolution (at least 300 dpi at 8” x 10”, or 1 MB or larger) and must not be in print elsewhere. Include a short description of the scene/event as well as your name, brief biodata, and the type of camera used. Send to LOCAL LENS Rising to a height of 19,341 feet (5,895 meters), Mount Kilimanjaro is the world’s tallest free-standing mountain, and it is known for its many climate zones. Climbers hike for six to eight days through the low-land cultivation zone, rainforest zone, moorlands, alpine desert, and arctic zone to reach the summit, where some of Africa’s last glaciers remain. During a trip to Tanzania, I made the hike, summiting on the beautifully clear morning of Oct. 7, 2024. n Nathan Tidwell is the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration’s regional refugee coordinator for the Horn of Africa, based in Addis Ababa. He took this photo, holding the centennial issue of the FSJ (May 2024), on an iPhone XR.