The Foreign Service Journal, March 2003

Cover I
Contents 3
Focus: Secretary Powell 19
From High Hopes to Disenchantment 19
Confidence Without Arrogance 22
Powell and the Arab World: A North African View 25
Considering Colin Powell and Africa 29
Powell and the Middle East: A Voice of Moderation? 33
The Antidote for European Doubts & Worries 37
America Needs Powell's Moderation 41
Secretary Powell: An American Samurai? 44
Feature 47
Recalling Past Crises and Evacuations: Part II 47
Columns 5
President's Views: AFSA's Goals for 2003 5
Speaking Out: Anti-Nepotism Waivers: Let Them Bake Cake 11
FS Finances: Long-Term Care Insurance 15
Reflections: Searching for the Past in St. Helena 64
Departments 7
Letters 7
Cybernotes 8
Books 54
Index to Advertisers 62
FSJ Guide to Extended Stay Housing 63
AFSA News 65