The Foreign Service Journal, March 2021

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | MARCH 2021 5 Focus March 2021 Volume 98, No. 2 FOREIGN SERVICE FS Heritage Feature 58 The Legacy of Jackie Robinson Through baseball diplomacy the youth of Romania and Uganda learned important lessons. By Ro n a l d E . Hawk i n s J r. 19 Changing a Risk-Averse Paradigm at High-Threat Posts Abroad Risk aversion is undermining diplomats’ ability to do their jobs. It’s an urgent problem, says an experienced panel that is proposing a solution. G re g S t a r r a n d Ro n a l d E . Ne uma n n 22 State’s Influence on Foreign Policy: Is This Really as Good as It Gets? How to “get out of our own way” and secure a seat at the foreign policy table. By Ke i t h W. M i n e s 26 Public Diplomacy: Re-engaging the World Eight steps to rebuild U.S. credibility as a world leader and a society worthy of emulation. By Sh e r r y L . Mu e l l e r a n d J o e l A . F i s c hma n 28 Notes to the New Administration Members of the U.S. Foreign Service brief the Biden team, briefly. 62 Like Father, Like Son: The Francis Ambassadorships Although John M. Francis and son Charles are not well known, they share an important distinction: Both served as ambassadors— in the same countries. By S t e p h e n H . Mu l l e r